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Dave had been gone for two days and I missed him like crazy. We spend every night on facetime just so he could make sure I was doing the right thing and keeping my ass home.

A few more days had passed and the weekend was finally here.

I had noticed my phone ring and it was Mel.

M: where the fuck you been Lani! I miss you
L: Home. I'll be back sometime next week
M: Nah bitch. We need you today. The boss said we are short staffed and if you dont come thru, you gonna lose your job.

I got a knot in my stomach. There was no way I could afford to lose my job. Even though Dave swears we have a future together, I can't just go based off of him. I had to secure my bag just incase shit fell through with us.

L: Alright I'll be there

I hung up with Mel and quickly got my shit together so I could go to the club. 

As soon as I pulled up, Mel rushed me to the dressing room.

"You need to hurry ya ass. You're on in 5" she yelled.

I quickly put my outfit on and made it to the stage.

After scanning the audience I started my routine. Not having Dave around felt nice. I felt more comfortable to get to the bag. 

I started twerking and teasing the guy in front of me. He immediately pulled out a stack of cash and made it rain. So I took my top off and he blew the whole stack in less than a minute. 

After doing my set, I collected the cash and went to change. I had at least make close to 6 racks and it felt amazing. 

I decided to have a couple of drinks at Mels bar and then went home before Dave facetimed me. 

I got in bed and Dave had finally facetimed. He did not look happy at all.

"Hey babe" I said.

"The fuck was you doing tonight?" He asked.

"Uhm…" I replied. Before I could answer, Dave went off.

"Why the fuck I got a text from my man's with a flick of you takin ya top off and popping ya pussy for some next nigga… Did I not fuckin tell you bout that shit. You got me out here looking lil a fool. I told my niggas bout you b…. You really pissing me off Lani" he yelled.

"Babe, can you just chill. I was gonna lose my job if I didn't get back to work" I nervously replied. 

"Fuck ya job. How many times I gotta tell you that I got you. Look I gotta stay in LA for a couple more days and obviously you not takin me seriously. So you have two options… You get your homework, make a plan with your professor to make up any lost time & let me fly you out… Or you quit your job and find a new one. Cause I really aint with the shits of hearing my shorty out there getting naked for other niggas that ain't me." He said in a serious tone. 

By the look on his face, he wasn't playing. I sighed and looked at him.

"Fine. I'll go to LA. I miss you anyway" I softly replied.

"Baby girl… Cheer up. I wouldn't be on ya ass so much if I didn't take this relationship seriously. You mean a lot to me Lani. You the first bitch outside of my baby moms who actually got to know me before you found out I was famous. I don't wanna fuck this up. So smile for me babe." He said.

I fake smiled and he laughed. 

"You silly. So you do know you owe me now… I want you to get naked for me and show me them titties. I been feening. And since you showing em to everyone else tonight, you better show em to ya mans…" He laughed. 

I smiled and obeyed his request.

For the rest of the evening, we spoke about our day and he planned a flight for me tomorrow at 10am. 

"Baby girl, don't pack too much. Ima take you shopping" he said as i was looking for clothes. 

"Babe I have plenty of clothes. I dont need more" I answered.

"Damn Lani, just let a nigga spoil his bitch. Sheesh" he said. 

I rolled my eyes and laughed at him. 

"Okay, okay. Well I'm gonna head to bed. Ill see you tomorrow babe" i replied.

"My boy Shooter gonna pick you up at 730. I'll see you tomorrow baby girl" he said while blowing me a kiss.

"Baby nah, I'll take a cab" I said.

"Nah, you gonna ride in class ma. Goodnight baby girl" he said.

"Night pa" I said.

I hung up the facetime call and threw myself on the bed. This man had my heart.

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