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Within the next couple of days, Dave and his boys helped move me out. I got rid of mad shit and just took my losses. From here on out everything was a fresh start.

We had finally finished clearing out the apartment and Dave wrapped his arms around me. 

"You ready to leave baby girl?" He said. 

"Yeah babe" I replied. 

He held my hand and I took one last look at my apartment before closing the door behind me. 

After settling into Dave's, I took a shower and threw myself on the bed.

"Baby girl, get dressed. Im taking you out." Dave said while walking into the room.

"Ugh babe, I'm tired. Can we go out tomorrow?" I asked. 

Dave grabbed my hands and pulled me off of the bed.

"I just dropped Kairi off at my parents and I got a special night planned. It's been a minute since we've had some alone time" he said with a smile.

"Ugh fine. You're lucky I love you" I replied.

I quickly got dressed and did my make up before meeting Dave in the living room.

"Damn baby girl, you look amazing." Dave said.

"Thank you babe. So what's the plan?" I asked.

"Dinner on a boat and then back here so I can tear that pussy up like old days" he answered.

"You're such a romantic" I said while grabbing my purse.

"Baby, you deserve it." He replied.

We headed to the city and got on the boat. The view was beautiful….

"Wow baby, this is amazing

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"Wow baby, this is amazing." I said, while admiring everything.

"I'm glad you like it baby." Dave replied while kissing my cheek.

Dinner was amazing but I could tell he wanted to waste no time in getting back home. The moment the boat pulled back up to shore he quickly walked to the car.

"Whats the rush babe?" I asked as I noticed him speeding on the way home.

"You already know baby girl. Im tryna get in them guts" Dave laughed.

"You a lil freak." I replied.

"Ya damn right I am. You bout to find out how freaky I can get…" He said while squeezing my boob.

We had finally pulled up to his house and we rushed upstairs to the bed room. Dave had brought a bottle of champagne with him.

He immediately undressed me and laid me down on the bed. He popped open the bottle of champagne and dripped it all over my body before taking a shot. Dave softly kissed me and started licking the champagne off of me. He made his way down to my thighs and separated my legs. 

Dave ate me out until I came and wasted no time sliding into me. I was so tired of Dave always giving me back shots so i pushed him down on the bed and straddled him. 

He placed his hands on my hips and pushed me all the way down on him. That shit felt amazing. I started riding him and picking up the pace. 

"Fuck" Dave moaned. 

I started to feel his body tremble under mine but I didn't care because I was so close to cumming.

"Babyyy, slow down" Dave moaned.

I grinded on him and ignored his request. The moment I rotated my hips I finally came and apparently so did Dave.

I immediately got up off of him and rushed to the bathroom. I couldn't believe Dave came inside of me. I tried to pee and washed up but I knew it made no difference.

"Baby you okay" Dave asked while knocking on the door.

"I guess" I answered.

"Can I come in" he asked.

I didn't answer him but he still came in anyway and wrapped his arms around me. I expected him to say something but he just held me until I was ready to talk.

"I should have listened to you when you told me to stop" I softly said.

"Come, lets go to bed" Dave replied.

He took my hand and walked me to his bedroom.

"Look baby. Its not your fault. We were caught in the moment. Plus it felt amazing to nut at the same time as you. But forget that for now. This ain't so bad Lani. You know our relationship is going well, why not have a baby?" Dave said.

"Babe, its not that easy. I have a career i'm looking forward to. I graduate in 2 months...plus its too soon Dave" I replied.

"Who says you can't go back to work after the baby? You know money is good, you know I love you and you know I ain't going anywhere, so why not?" He said.

"I know babe but still...I'm just not ready." I admitted.

"Okay babe. I respect that. Lemme go get you some plan b from the pharmacy. The sooner you take it the better it is" dave said while getting off of bed and getting dressed. 

I watched him get dressed and felt butterflies in my stomach...

I wanted to tell Dave to forget it, but I knew it really was too soon for us to start a family

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I wanted to tell Dave to forget it, but I knew it really was too soon for us to start a family.

"Thank you baby" I said.

"Anything for you baby girl" he replied before leaving. 

Dave came back and I took the pill. I took a quick shower and cuddled next to him in bed.

"I love you babe" I whispered.

"I love you too baby girl" he said.

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