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The next day I was woken up to Dave kissing up on my neck. 

"Good morning baby girl" he whispered. 

"Good morning babe" I said with a smile.

"How'd you sleep" he asked as his hands wandered down to my thigh. 

"Great. I always sleep well when you're next to me" I replied.

Dave smiled at me and spread my legs apart with his hand.

"Mmm, you wet already," he said as he began fingering me.

"Babyyyy" I moaned softly. 

"Yes baby?" He asked.

"I want you to fuck me" I whispered.

Dave laughed. 

"If you wasn't so loud I would. But the moment I lay this dick on you, I know for a fact you gonna wake Kairi up" he replied. 

"Ugh, you really gonna tease me like that. I promise I'll be quiet" I said while reaching over and caressing his hard on through the blanket.

"You wanna bet?" He said while getting on top of me.

I bit my lower lip and nodded my head yes. 

Dave laughed and slowly entered me.

It felt so amazing, I had to cover my mouth to avoid making any sounds. 

He continued his slow pace and locked eyes with me. I still had my mouth covered so he removed my hand and stuck his fingers in my mouth instead. I started sucking on them to prevent moaning but it was so hard. 

The last few strokes were the worst, I was about to cum and had to put a pillow over my face.

"Fuck" I mumbled into the pillow.

"Shit ma, I'm gonna bust" he said as he pulled out. I felt his warm cum land all over my stomach.

"Aii, you got it. You can get this dick and be quiet about it." Dave laughed.

I got up, showered and made breakfast. While we were eating, I started to feel sick again but I didn't want to tell him so I ignore it and just focused on my day.

When I got back from class Kairi and Dave were cuddled up on the sofa, taking a nap so I went to the bed room and ended up falling asleep myself. 

"Baby" I faintly heard.

I opened my eyes and it was Dave.

"Hey babe. Sorry I fell asleep. Ive been so out of it these past few days" I replied while sitting up.

"Dont worry babe. I just woke you up to tell you that I'm taking Kairi to her moms. I'll be back a little later" he said. 

"Okay." I replied.

Dave left and I went back to sleep. When i woke up it was already 730 at night and he wasnt back yet. 

I decided to make dinner and clean up after Kairi. It was damn near 10 and he hadnt called or texted so I decided to watch a movie and scroll through instagram. I saw Dave posted something on his story. 

I clicked on it and it he had posted up pictures that I wasn't too happy with...

I clicked on it and it he had posted up pictures that I wasn't too happy with

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