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After about a month, I was finally fully able to resume my life. I started working in a hospital and Dave and I were doing great. 

Since I had finally healed Dave took initiative to invite Millie over to have a little discussion. I was proud of him being mature about the situation. At first he wanted to have one of the girls in his gang to rob and give Millie a scare of her life but I had convinced him that as Kairis father, that wasn't a smart move. 

The day had finally come and she had pulled up with Kairi. The moment she saw me her face went pale. 

"Lani" kairi yelled.

Dave took Kairi from Millie and gave her to me.

"Can you walk her over to my parents" he said while kissing me and kairi on the cheek.

I nodded and walked over to his parents and dropped her off. Before going back over, I took a deep breath and told myself to relax. 

I had so much anger towards this woman that if I hadnt taken a moment to breathe, I would have beat the shit out of her myself. 

I walked in and they were already arguing.

"How the fuck you gonna say some fucked up shit like that to the mother of ya baby?" Millie yelled. 

I couldn't help but roll my eyes and quietly took a seat on the sofa. I didn't know what Dave had said but chances are she probably deserved it 

"Bitch… The fuck you mean? You lucky Millie. On GOD you're so lucky. If you didn't have my daughter, you would have been rotting in a casket by now. You know how much fuckrd up shit you put me through? Before Lani tho. You sent police to my fuckin house to try and take away my baby girl, you publicly aired out my business and lied on my name multiple times. Now this shit? I bet your dumb ass didn't know that thanks to you, I lost my other child. Kairi lost her sibling. You fuckin disgust me yo" he yelled.

Millie immediately broke down crying.

"Shut the fuck up with them fake ass tears. The only reason you here right now in my house is because Lani convinced me to try and work this shit out. For kairi." He replied.

Milloe continued sobbing hysterically. I had to contain myself from laughing.

"Here we go with the dramatics. Look I ain't got time for this. I just want you to know that you really scum and I hope my daughter turns out to be nothing like you. You can't and haven't even apologized. Not once Millie. Lani is sitting right there and you haven't even apologized for almost killing her and for killing her baby. Unbelievable" Dave continued.

Millie turned to me, still crying hysterically, and mumbled some words that sound like sorry. 

"Yo…. What the fuck was that. What the fuck is 'dorries.' Speak up" Dave yelled.

"Sorry" she said a little more clear.

I just nodded my head because I had no nice words for her. 

"Good. Now go wash ya face or something and get your shit together. You a grown ass woman crying like you Kairis age." Dave replied.

As she walked off, he kissed me on my forehead.

"Im sorry for all the yelling. She just pisses me off." He said.

"Its fine babe. Its better to yell and cry, than keep it bottled in. Hopefully you two can calm down and actually sort things out so you can co parent the right way. Kairi doesn't need to see her parents arguing or being separated all the time." I replied.

"You're right." Dave sighed. 

Millie finally came out of the bathroom so I gave them some personal time to just talk while I made dinner.

I had overheard them come to an agreement and things sounded peaceful. To my surprise, Millie later came out and truly apologized for what she did. I didn't say a word to her, but it was appreciated. 

She had finally left and Dave brought Kairi over. Things were finally back to normal. I had a good job, a wonderful boyfriend and his beautiful daughter. That's really all I needed. 

Just a year ago I was twerking and getting naked for men in the club and now I was a nurse and in a happy and healthy relationship. 

Even though Dave had put me through a hand full of emotions, he truly was the love of my life. He saved me from myself. And I was forever grateful for him. Out of all the promises I made in my life, promising to ride for him was the only one I swore to honor and cherish moving forward in our life together. 


Thank you for reading. 😊

This is the end of the story.

If you enjoyed this, please feel free to comment or message me ideas for another possible Dave East story.

Thank you so much 🙏🏼

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