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It had finally been time for my graduation and I was super excited. I had worked damn fuckin hard.

Dave had taken me shopping for a new dress and I loved it. 

Everything was falling into place. I had done a music video with Dave and the pay was nice. I had started getting more offers to be in videos but nursing was where my heart was at. 

Graduation day had finally arrived and I got my dress ready for my special day. 

"Baby I'm so proud of you" Dave said as he was dressing up.

"Thank you. I wouldn't have made it without your support. You made it easy for me to focus on school and for that, I'm grateful." I sais while giving him a kiss.

I stepped into my dress and Dave helped me zipper it up.

"Damn baby, you getting thicker. I can barely zipper up this dress and we just got it last week." Dave said.

He finally zipped it up and spun me around.

"Yeah you definitely getting thick. Them titties and hips getting bigger." He said while kissing me. 

"Baby stop. You're making me feel self conscious" I replied while looking in the mirror.

"Hush ma. You getting thick in all the right places. I think you look even sexier than before" he said while kissing the top of my head. 

We had left and went to my graduation. Everything was so surreal. I was finally done with school. And Dave was right, we made 4 months together.

As I walked the stage and got my diploma, all I could think about was how if it wasn't for Dave, I would have been here alone today. Dave was all I had left in my life since my parents passed away when I was 18. 

After graduation, Dave took me out to dinner at a seafood restaurant to celebrate. 

On the way back, I had started to feel lightheaded.

"Baby can you pull over" I asked.

"You okay ma?" He asked. 

"Yeah, I just need some air. I feel lightheaded." I answered.

Dave pulled over and helped me out of the car. The moment my feet hit the ground I threw up all over the place. 

He pulled my hair back and rubbed my back while I continued throwing up the dinner we just had.

"Sheesh babe. That seafood did not sit well with you." He said.

"That's so weird. I was fine one minute and the next I thought I was gonna pass out" I replied.

"Do you feel better now" he asked.

"Yeah baby. Im better now." I answered.

Dave walked me back into the car and we finally got home.  

I took a shower and scrubbed the shit out of my mouth to get the flavor of throw up from earlier. When I got out of the shower, I dried myself up and looked in the mirror. Dave was right, I was getting thicker. I no longer had abs and my hips were definitely bigger.

I grabbed my phone, checked my period tracker and realized I was two weeks late. With all the commotion of preparing for graduation and taking care of Kairi while Dave went to LA again, I hadn't even noticed.

I quickly put on my pajamas and got in bed with Dave. 

"Baby…" I said.

Daves phone started ringing and it was his baby moms.

"Gimmie a second baby" dave said while picking up the phone.

"Yo…" He said.


"You better chill the fuck out. Shes my daughter too and if I wanna have her around my girl, then im gonna do that. You aint callin all the shots on our baby." He yelled


"Shut the fuck up. You a bird for that. Go bother another nigga with your bullshit. Kairi just fine. You just tight your daughter likes my new bitch more than you." Dave replied.


"Yeah aiiiiiiiiighttttt have a good night you clown ass bitch" Dave said as he hung up the phone.

"This bitch really tryna take away my daughter cause she mad that Kairi said "lani do it better." I aint even know the rest of what she said because anytime some shit pops off, she gets hysterical." Dave said to me.

I wanted to scream to Dave that I needed a pregnancy test but it seemed like his situation with his daughter and baby moms was more important. So instead, I just listened to him vent until we fell asleep. 

The next morning I rushed to the pharmacy and got a pregnancy test before Dave woke up. I was so damn nervous but I knew I needed to know now. I couldn't wait a moment longer.

I took the test and I heard a knock on the door. 

I immediately shoved the test back into the box and hid it in the cabinet.

"Yes baby. Ill be out in a second" I said.

"Okay babe. Just making sure you're okay. No rush" he mumbled through the door. 

I quickly grabbed the test, put it in my purse and left the bathroom.

While Dave showered, I took the test out of my purse and there it was…. I was pregnant. 

I wanted to cry. Even though Dave and I had been going steady and I wanted a kid with him, I just wasn't ready now. 

I quickly put the test back in my purse and figured out how I was gonna tell Dave. I had no idea how he would react. With all his baby mama drama I wasn't sure now was the time to tell him.

The whole day I tried to avoid thinking about the situation I was in. Dave had a trip in the next day and I wasn't sure if I should tell him before or after.

"Ma, you been lost in your mind all day. Whats up?" Dave asked.

"Nothing baby. Just thinking about my next move when it comes to my career" I lied. 

"Im proud of you baby" he said while kissing my cheek. 

Later on in the day Dave took me out to a club he had to host at. Fortunately, my dresses still fit me, but it was gonna be hard hiding my pregnancy if we were going out. Dave and I always smoked and drank but this time around I couldn't. That alone would blow up my spot.

"Here baby" Dave said as he passed me a blunt.

I took it from him and held on to it, hoping he wouldn't notice I wasn't smoking. After a few, I passed it back. He then passed me a cup of Henny and I had to do the same thing. I held the cup and when Dave wasn't looking, I poured it into his glass.

Towards the end of the evening I went to the bathroom and came back. Just seeing Dave standing there having a good time, gave me butterflies.

 Just seeing Dave standing there having a good time, gave me butterflies

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I was gonna have this man's baby. We were actually going to have our own little family.

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