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The next morning I woke up early with the worst hangover. My legs felt like jello the moment I stood up. 

I knew it was cause of Dave so I smiled to myself, showered and went down to get breakfast for him.

When I got back, he was still sleeping so I decided to put my headphones in and do a quick work out. As I was doing my squats I felt something poking my ass. 

I turned around and saw Dave biting his lower lip and standing there with the illest boner. 

"Good morning babygirl"  he said with a smile as he caressed my hips and started taking my leggings off. 

Before I could say a word, he picked me up and brought me back to the bed room. He grabbed a condom, bent me over and slowly started fuckin me. Each stroke brought me closer to cumin.

It wasnt long before we both climaxed.

"Now thats what i call a good morning" he said while pulling out. 

"Tell me about it. I can barely feel my legs from last nights session." I laughed. 

"Good. That means I hit that pussy right." He said while licking his lips.

I went to wash up and I bought Dave his breakfast.

"Damn ma, pussy and breakfast. You gonna make a nigga fall in love" he said while kissing my forehead. 

We sat down and ate before getting ready for the day.

"What's the plan?" I asked.

"I got a lil something planned for today. We gonna go shopping for something real quick and I got tickets to a Lakers game. After that, we gonna head to the studio" he replied. 

"Fine by me babe. Im on your time" I replied. 

Dave showered, and I got dressed.

After smoking a blunt, we left and started our day. The whole drive Dave had my hand in his. 

"Were here" he replied. 

I looked up at the store Dave parked in front of and it was a  jewelry store. 

"Gonna get a new piece?" I asked as we got out of the car. 

"Something like that" he said with a smirk. He held my hand he walked me inside of the store.

"Dave welcome back we just finished your piece. This must be the lucky lady" a guy said said.

I looked up at Dave in confusion but he just wrapped one arm around my waist and kissed my forehead.

"Yeah this is her" Dave replied while giving the guy a pound with his free hand. 

The guy pulled out a box and inside was a diamond chain with a diamond key on it and a separate box with a ring.

The guy pulled out a box and inside was a diamond chain with a diamond key on it and a separate box with a ring

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