Transition End

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"Cry. Forgive. Learn. Move on. Let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness." – Steve Maraboli

Soft classical piano played. Mild chatter echoed across the room. Gossip roamed freely across the cafeteria. Jennie kept to herself and allowed the room to go about its activities. It has been three days since she started eating at the cafeteria with Minnie and the rest of her seniors – except Sandara and CL. But the people around her had yet to come into terms with it.

"When will they ever stop," Sorn said monotonously as she rolled her eyes. "Ignore them, Jennie."

"There's no smoke without a fire, I guess," Mino added as he took a spoonful of his chicken soup.

Jennie just smiled shyly, "Well, you don't get to sit with the seniors every day."

"Really?" Minnie retorted as she snorted before she smiled. "I've been with these geeks since middle-school."

Bambam furrowed his brow, but smirked, "Who you calling a geek, nerd?"

"Oh, you know," Minnie giggled as the rest just chuckled while Jennie just observed them.

Smiling, Jennie thought about all four of them and realized that this is what a normal friendship felt like. Ever since she attended that party last Friday, she felt happier and slept better. Even though everything was unexpected, she appreciated what they did for her; the change of scenery did her good and she really needed it.

When she slept that Friday night, she felt so at peace and after two weeks of endless nightmares, that night finally calmed down. The storm within her gradually withered and passed through the ocean of her tears. The strong waves of regret and guilt eventually calmed down once the storm finished raging through.

Saturday morning proved to be an adventure as much as the night before was fun; the lot of them – except Taew and Yaya – went on a hike at the nearby forest and ended up water rafting. The memories Jennie made were all good and ones that she would cherish forever. Photos were taken and shared, but among other things, they will always remind Jennie that she was never alone.

CL and Sandara gave her an album with all the photos they took, along with the ones the others took with her in it. Even though it was supposed to be CL's birthday, she ended up being the one who got a gift. As much as Jennie politely refused, CL just could not take a 'no' for answer and argued that her happiness would be a gift worth remembering on that day. Jennie felt a little embarrassed and a little sad, but most of all, she felt happy.

The friendship they showed her was no greater than what she had anticipated. But what does the time she spent with Lisa fall under? Jennie knew not, but still cherished what little time they spent together. Even though they were not much, Jennie did not care at all; what mattered to her was the fact that all of it happened. All of these were memories she would forever remember.

"Two weeks before Christmas break," Sorn groaned as she put her head down after she slid her tray for space. "What are we going to do?"

Bambam swallowed his food and looked at her, "Christmas barbecue party like usual?"

Sorn groaned even louder as Mino suggested, "Can we go somewhere colder?"

"Like Seoul?" Minnie added as she took a sip of her sprite.

"No," a familiar voice dismissed Minnie's suggestion as all five heads turned to her, "We're going to the beach!"

Jennie raised a brow while the rest groaned as CL just chuckled; she sat in between Minnie and Sorn just as Sandara arrived. She sat beside Jennie and smiled at her before she tuned into the conversation. Soon enough, the table talk turned into vacation plans and Jennie had none to raise. She had no plans in particular, other than spend it with Tablo, but she enjoyed the suggestions they brought up.

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