Forsaken Child

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"What's happening to her?"

            "I don't know!"

            "How can you not know? You're a doctor aren't you?!"

            Chittip examined Lisa's body whilst the trio behind her bickered like children. In her eyes, she saw how Lisa's heart pumped at such an alarming rate as much as how blood circulated in every vein she had in her body. With worried yet curious eyes, she stared at her daughter, who perspired extremely as her sweat already created a small pool around her.

            Eyes forced closed. Fists in a ball. Lisa's body convulsed from the immense heat her body felt; it was as though her body was about to turn inside out. Her mind had gone blank a long time ago and only the pain of her body coursed through her thoughts.

            "Look at her!" Marco nearly growled as he pointed Lisa to Mina, who ran out of things to say due to the unusual circumstance. "You can't even see her irises!"

            "That's because her eyes are moving at such a fast speed that you can't see them anymore," Mina tried to explain as Rosé nearly ran out of patience with him; she has had enough of Marco raising his voice at Mina.

            "Uncle, please," Rosé spoke as she stood in between them, "Stop shouting at Mina, we've all been through a lot already."

            Marco took a step back and looked at them; he looked away in shame after he realised that Rosé was right. They had a rough night and they needed to get back home; he sighed and looked at Mina with a sad look in his eyes as though he wanted to apologize, but felt too ashamed to do so.

            Looking away, Marco turned about and left the room; he did not wish to face them at his current state – prone to much anger. Rosé turned to Mina and offered a warm smile to her; on the brink of tears, Mina hugged Rosé instantly to prevent the tears from falling. She did not wish to add more complications to what they had; her ignorance was not something she was proud of.

            Just when everything was starting calm down, Lisa growled out loud as her body shook fervently as she tried to unbind herself from the restraints she was in. Chittip tried to keep her down by the shoulders as much as Rosé came over as quickly as she could to hold down Lisa's legs.

            "What's going on?" Marco busted through the door and looked Lisa. "What's happening now?"

            "I'm not sure," Chittip responded as she kept Lisa's hands away from the restraints, "She suddenly went into a fit after she roared."

            "We need to get her to the pack," Marco suggested as he helped tighten the make-shift restraints, "None of us know what's going on."

            "But we're countries apart," Chittip replied as she bound Lisa's wrist over her head, "It will take us a few days to get back," she continued as Lisa roared as saliva burst out her mouth, "I don't think father will pursue us, but still."

            Aware of the situation, Marco stood up and nodded; he leapt out of the broken window of the abandoned house they were in. He needed to find a car for them to use so they can return home; he knew not what happened to Lisa – even Mina was clueless to what went on.

            Once Lisa was properly restrained, Rosé looked at Mina, who looked like she was in deep thought as her eyes examined Lisa carefully. She approached her and wondered what went on in her wonderful mind that she wished she could see its contents; her knowledge would be useful for her.

            Frustrated, Mina yelled and ruffled her hair as though she wanted to flip her brain for an answer. Rosé just smiled at her as waited for an explanation; even she had her own theories to what truly happened. It made her wonder where Jennie was since she was not with Lisa when they found her.

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