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"The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for." – Bob Marley

            "Do you think we made a good decision?"

            "I'm don't know, but I'm sure it'll be fine."

            Roseanne lunged at Lisa with her blue-edged blade that nearly stabbed the Thai right through her lower torso; Lisa knew Roseanne very well, but she did not anticipate her speed at all. They have sparred a lot of times when they were being trained, but now that they were professionals, they have not sparred since they were sent on their first assignment.

            Lisa leant to the left to dodge the blade, but Roseanne agility proved just how much she has gotten stronger. Rosé attacks followed every single dodge Lisa has thrown; she has grown to dislike how much she dodged like a coward. Rosé eyes bore no emotion like Lisa often has; she hid all other emotions in battle like they were taught to. As much as Rosé often disobeyed her trainers, she always remembered what they taught her – hammered into her.

            "Marco, I'm worried about them."

            "They'll be fine, honey. They're just letting off some steam."

            Lisa bent back as Rosé took a sweep of her blade and as it went past her, Rosé tried to do a downward slice that nearly hit Lisa. Quick as her wit, Lisa caught the blade with her palms and tried her best from keeping away from her. Gritting her teeth, she roared out loud and pushed back Roseanne's blade, then did a sweep of her leg to through her off balance.

            Anticipated, Rosé took the fall and used her hands to somersault; while in mid-air, Lisa leapt quicker than her and tried to slice Rosé's arm with her dagger. However, there was reluctance in her action, which Rosé took advantage of; she blocked the dagger and pushed it back with enough force that allowed her to add a kick to Lisa's chin.

            "Dear, I'm just so worried about them. Can't we check on them?"

            "You worry too much. I'm sure none of them would even be bleeding."

            Flung back, Lisa landed on a huge tree and caused a dent on it; she tried to stand, but before she could, Rosé had already taken a charge and impaled her blue-edge blade right into Lisa's left shoulder. Lisa gritted her teeth hard, which prevented her from screaming in pain; she did not want to alert Jennie and make her worry even more.

            For the whole an hour that they fought, Jennie had not moved from her branch, simply because she could not find a way to get down. Lisa made sure of it because she did not want Jennie to get in the way of another fight; she could not dodge forever, since Rosé and her were on the same level. But after what she has seen, she doubt that they were.

            "What about Jennie? She's with them, isn't she?"

            "Knowing Lisa, she would make sure that she would be safe."

            In the tall tree, Jennie squinted her eyes at the ground as she tried to find Lisa. Her heart palpitated with fear of what was currently happening; she does not know how two assassins fought – to the death or until they have run out of strength. She could not help but worry for both of them since Rosé was her friend and at the same time, Lisa was the one she love.

            Unable to calm her worried heart, Jennie attempted to get down from the branch. Looking at the bark of the tree, she touched the exterior and tried to grab onto it; lucky for her, the tree could stand her weight – not that she gained any. Slowly, she made her way down to the ground.

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