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"We all make choices, but in the end our choices make us." - Ken Levine

"Where were you?" Jisoo yelled at Lisa, who just arrived at the safe house. Marco remained on the couch with coffee in hand as if he does not know where Lisa had gone; he had a thought of where she had gone, but was not one to question her grandfather.

Lisa did not respond as she walked past Jisoo and straight up to the bathroom. Jisoo watched Lisa walk away and could smell the stains of blood in her; the strong smell of rotten iron and rust were all over her, which made Jisoo worry.

Marco smelt it too, but he did not care; it was not the first time Lisa came home with the foul stench of blood all over her. What made him curious is how she could remove the blood off her face in such a short time, though not all. Jisoo may not have noticed those, but Marco knew his daughter better.

Lisa turned the shower on and let the water run, whilst she undressed and let her knives drop onto the floor. She could smell Jisoo outside and wondered if she would leave her alone; Lisa got under the running water and cleansed herself of the blood that lingered on her skin.

Streams of blood trickled down Lisa's body as it all swirled into a vortex down the drain. The smell was nearly gone as Jisoo waited at Lisa's room with her arms crossed and her heart in pain; she was worried about Lisa - not because of what happened between them - but because she genuinely cared about her.

To smell Lisa with the scent of death was daunting for Jisoo, but a part of her was unafraid. All she wanted was to know if Lisa was fine and what happened for her to smell like that. She had a clue as to what went down when she heard that a dozen of their rival pack was killed under an hour and three of them were veterans; she wanted to know if she had done it.

"Jisoo," Lisa spoke as she stepped out of the bathroom in just a towel around her body. Jisoo faced Lisa and hugged her without question while Lisa just stood there indifferently. "What time did you get here?"

"Marco and I went home together after we ate out. So, around eight," Jisoo replied and pulled back at an arm's length before examining Lisa. Her piercing eyes looked tired and had returned to normal without the devilish stare she saw when she came home.

"I see," Lisa replied as she walked past her and to her wardrobe, taking out a pair of track shorts and a sky blue tank top. After putting both on, Lisa dropped down on her bed with the towel still wrapped around her neck as she smelt the air.

Jisoo sat beside her and cupped her cheek which let their eyes meet; Lisa saw the concern in her dark brown eyes even in the dark of her room. They stared at each other for moment and Lisa recalled their crusade last night, which led her to believe that Jisoo wanted more than just a fling from the way she touched her.

Lisa doesn't like to be touched, but last night she broke that rule.

Without a second thought, Jisoo brushed her lips against Lisa, who had yet to understand what all this meant to her. She heard Jisoo's heart beat loud and rapid which told her that she had feelings for her - feelings that Lisa would never return.

"Don't scare me like that," Jisoo spoke as she broke off their kiss. Lisa stared into her eyes and brushed a loose strand of her Jisoo's hair behind her ear involuntarily.

Lisa just remained silent and let the fire within her engulf her body as she brushed her lips against Jisoo's. They shared a passionate kiss as their lips went in sync with each other, hungrily wanting the other. Jisoo saddled Lisa without even removing their lips from contact while Lisa just held her by the waist.

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