Extra: The Wolf & The Rogue

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Arms crossed with eyes locked at the double doors of the school; Rosé tapped her index against her bicep as she waited patiently for Jisoo. The hour has finally arrived for their promised date; Jisoo reluctantly agreed for this to happen yesterday and Rosé was too eager for it to happen.

            All she wanted was to get to know Jisoo better and strengthen whatever relationship they had – be it friends or even promote it from just acquaintances. She wanted to befriend her better and hope that she would forgive her for what she did before; she nearly killed her after all.

            Rosé understood Jisoo apprehension against her because of what happened between them; however, she wanted both of them to have a clean start. She already noticed how Jisoo acts kind to her in front of Lisa and Jennie, but when the both of them are alone, she acts a different way.

            She can only hope that this date would help clear the smoke between them. Well, she hopes. Five minutes passed and Jisoo finally walked past the double doors; Rosé stiffened at the sight of her as she offered her a warm smile that the raven haired beauty brushed off; it appears that this would be a long night for both of them.

            "Hi," Rosé smiled at Jisoo as she approached her with a straight and disinterested look on her face, "Ready to go?"

            Jisoo walked past her, "You better leave alone me after this."

            "Scout's promise," Rosé chuckled as she walked in tandem with Jisoo to the car park; Rosé led the way to Lisa's car – one that she borrowed for the day. As they approached, Rosé opened the door for Jisoo, who does not seem amused by her charm.

            Closing the door behind her, Rosé rounded to the driver's seat; once she took her seat, she buckled up and revved up the engine as Jisoo pointed the all the aircon at her. Rosé did not mind since she was never bothered by the weather; she was trained to the bone and her body knew how to adapt to any temperature – she may not be wolf, but she was still an assassin.

            Pulling out of the parking lot, Rosé drove past the town and took an exit to the highway; there were several cars on the road, but not too much to cause traffic. It was still two in the afternoon and there were not much places to take her; Rosé only planned it last night and did not even know if this was a good idea.

            "So," Jisoo spoke as she rested her head by the window, "Where in the world are you going to take me?"

            Rosé chuckled, "To kill you obviously."

            "Try me," Jisoo let out a low growl at the non-comical jest Rosé said, "I will rip your heart out."

            Rosé merely giggled, "From the way you speak to me, you already have."

            "Shut up, Park," Jisoo replied as she rolled her eyes on her which merely earned her a chuckle. Rosé could sense the irritation in her voice, but nonetheless, she knew that she was not hostile towards her even though she just threatened her.

            For three hours, almost as the sun would set, Rosé drove two towns south as Jisoo already took a nap to further show her disinterest. Rosé tried to start a conversation with her several times, but Jisoo just refused to speak; it almost vexed Rosé, but all she could do was have some patience with her.

            Taking the next exit, Rosé drove down the asphalt road into another town and parked by a diner with the name Sea Shell by the Sea Shore in neon lights. She turned the engine off, which woke Jisoo from her peaceful slumber and made her look around the place; Rosé leant over to her and caught her by surprise.

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