Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

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"It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend." – William Blake

"Hey Kim, help me with this," Rosé begged of her as she gave her a slight frown.

"Do it yourself, Roseanne," Jennie responded, then stuck her tongue out playfully.

"Yeah, you should do your own work, Rosé!" Minnie exclaimed as she giggled playfully and earned a groan from Rosé.

Irritated, Jisoo gave them a brief glare before she looked away, unable to fathom their presence. She leant back against her chair as she minded her own business; as much as Jennie bore all her anger, she could not kill her – at least, not yet. She wanted to make her bleed slowly, but how, she did not know.

It's been nearly two months since Lisa's passing; a funeral was held for her just a few days before Christmas, near the main office of the pack. A lot of people gathered in black as they thanked Lisa for her sacrifice while some could not even say a word, but were nonetheless appreciative. On that day, Marco did not shed a single tear as everyone around him did; Jisoo even wept an ocean as they put the tombstone next to his deceased wife.

Although there was no body, all of them accepted her death. All of them knew that silver bullets were fatal, but they can recover from it; however, if the bullet was coated with the blood of their rivals – the vampires – and entered their systems, they would be unable to transform into their full form. But in Lisa's case, she forced the transformation with the poison already at its last stage which had been fatal and the only outcome of it would be death.

Jisoo sat there quietly observing Jennie with all her hate poured into her glares; she could not fathom how she could smile so casually as though she has not lost anyone. Jisoo mourned endlessly over her love, but even she knew that Jennie felt something for Lisa and yet she has already gotten over her. She scoffed at how feeble her love for Lisa was and thought that she did not deserve it.

She looked away and kept to herself as she waited for homeroom to begin; the teacher was awfully tardy. As she waited, she smelt the air and noticed a faint silhouette of a familiar scent linger about; her eyes took a quick sweep of her surroundings and landed on Jennie. She concentrated her sense on her, but the scent did not emanate from her. With furrowed brows, she looked around and tried to sniff out the smell once again, but could not find it.

That smell, I could have sworn...

Jisoo thought as she tried to recall the exact smell of that familiar person; she was certain that she smelt Lisa's scent, but it suddenly disappeared. It was odd, but she could not dismiss the feeling that Lisa was lingering about. As much as she does not know much about her, she could tell that she was the sneaky type – especially when she saw her go through the window a night before.

Closing her eyes, she tried to look for her temperature and wanted to see if there was anyone suspicious that lingered about. So far, none appeared to have a higher temperature around her, which told her that she could have been imagining things. But could she? She admits that she missed Lisa, but her head was not in the loony bin.

Not a moment later, the bell for first period rang even without a teacher showing up for homeroom; it was not unusual since sometimes the teachers are just late. Getting up, Jisoo took a deep breath to sniff the air once more, but she could not find the smell again. Disheartened, she sighed and walked out the room ahead of the one she hated; she did not wish to talk to her or be near her for that matter.

"Oh," She heard Minnie speak, but tried to ignore it. "Hows the charger?"

"It's good actually," Jennie replied as she released one strap of her shoulder which allowed her bag to swing to her front before she unzipped it. "I should return it to you now."

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