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Brad and I exchanged a confusing glance then looked back at the girl.
I spoke first of the three of us. "Uh excuse me?"

"It's him. He's my soulmate. When I looked at him, I finally saw everything in color."

"Sorry you must be confused." Brad raised our intertwined hands to show the girl.

She was taken back, not knowing how to react. Her green eyes showed confusion and sadness. "I know what I saw though."

I wanted nothing to do with this girl. Brad and I were happy and things were going well. Before I could say anything though, Brad chimed in. "Why don't you come back to my hotel with us? We can do some online research to see if this has been happened before."

The girl simply nodded, following us back to the hotel.

My grip on Brad's hand tightened because I couldn't let him go. He squeezed my hand back, smiling at me reassuringly. Too bad that didn't really help ease my mind.

Once back in Brad's hotel room, the three of us got to work googling occurrences like this online.

The girl broke the overbearing silence in the room finally. "I'm Harley by the way."

I smiled at her before returning to my search results while Brad introduced the two of us. Not surprisingly, she knew us both, Brad because of The Vamps and me because of Brad.

I tuned them out while she gushed over the band until finally I found something I didn't want to. "Guys, listen to this: 'Though it is rare, it is not uncommon for two people to find their one in the same person. Soon enough, however, a fourth person would appear thus giving everyone a perfect match.'"

"So it's possible?" Brad asked.

Harley squealed. "Yes."

Slowly my brain processed what was happening. "But that means one of us is meant to be with Brad and the other, well, isn't."

"Exactly." Harley responded.

My sarcasm kicked in immediately. I looked towards Brad, "Lovely." I had to get out of here and quick, clicking my phone to check the time. "I'm late for work too."

"I'll go too." Harley offered, collecting her purse.

"You're fine really. Stay, get to know Brad. I'll catch up with you guys later."

"I'll walk you downstairs." Brad helped me gather my things then followed me out of the room, leaving Harley behind. "Isabella, she may fall for the 'I'm late for work' excuse, but that's not happening to me again. Tell me what's wrong?"

"Her" was the only word I could get out before I broke down crying in the elevator. Brad tried to console me, but I pushed him away from me. I wiped my tears and spoke as the elevator reached the ground floor. "I really like you and us together, but I need to think this one through on my own. Don't follow me, Brad, just don't."

I quickly stepped away from him because I could feel the tears forming in my eyes once more, leaving Brad in the elevator.

Instead of crying in a cab, I decided to cry walking home. Once the tears subsided, I called Melanie.

"Hello lovely. Last night was fun."

"Yeah until this morning."

She started giggling. "How worried were you when you woke up next to Tristan."


"Iz, what's wrong? You normally have a lot more to say."

I started crying for the third time this morning, making it hard to get my words out. "I just really need someone to talk to."

"Where? When?"

"The Peter Pan statue in Hyde Park please." It was the first thing I could think of as I had somehow walked myself into Hyde Park. "10 minutes?"

I heard a door slam before she answered. "Already on my way."

Before I knew it I was sitting on a bench near the statue of the boy whose story I held near and dear. A body soon placed itself next to me as arms engulfed my torso.

"How are you doing?" Mel asked pulling back from me.

"Not good. This girl came out of nowhere this morning seeing color because of Brad. And she's gorgeous with this long platinum blonde hair and green eyes. Things like this have happened before but I don't know what it's going to mean for Brad and I. And I am just not okay."

Melanie rubbed my arm to calm me down. "It could be for the better though. Last I remember you were never really sure about Brad."

"Yeah but if my guy is still out there it means I wasted my time and I've still got a long road ahead of me. It means I'm back where I started." Fourth break down of the day was coming on hard. This was going to be a difficult next few days.

uh-oh trouble in paradise. and its only just started

xoxo bri

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