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Iz's POV

"I know we just went over this...fuck boys, fuck Brad Simpson." I said, pushing Connor's hand off me before I stood from the table.

Jorden slapped Connor upside the back of his head. "You idiot. That's what you said to get her to come out? Fuck Brad? He's the reason we needed her."

He shrugged. "I mean I said fuck boys. She was the one that said fuck Brad."

This gained an eye roll from everyone including myself.

"Is someone going to tell me what's going on?? Actually on second thought I don't care cuz I'm over him. Whatever mess he's gotten himself into he can get himself out of. Now I'm going in to my room, getting my things, and going for a walk if anyone wants to join." Making my way quickly into my room, I closed the door behind me before anyone could object.

As I gathered my things and made my way towards the door, I heard whispering on the other side. I inched closer and put my ear to wood doing my best not to make a sound.

Tristan was talking. "Dude, you have to get her to help us. This whole Harley thing has made a mess. If we don't get this sorted soon, we're screwed."

"I know, I know. We'll go with her and then maybe we can slowly drop hints about what's happening. But nothing too much because she is not doing well." Connor responded.

Well at least Connor cared about my well-being, but I wasn't planning on letting Brad continue to ruin my life. This was my life and I will make it myself. I knew just what I had to do but everyone who would come with me was in the other room.

Oh well, I could just go alone then. Opening my drawer to get the money I had been saving up, my eyes fell upon a crumpled up piece of paper. I unfolded it and found a number followed by a name, Jax.

Jax, the bouncer from the party, he was so nice. Maybe he would come with me. I shot him a text: Hey, it's Isabella from the party.

His response came fast: I thought you had lost my number or something lol.

I know I didn't have a lot of time so I just went on ahead and asked my question: Yeah, sorry about that. Would you wanna meet me at Cloak and Dagger tattoo shop in like 30 minutes?

Again he answered in no time at all: Sure. See you then :)

Alright so I had a friend now I just needed to get out of my room. Sitting on the sill, I opened my window and peered outside. Granted I was only one story up, but I wasn't really planning on testing my luck.

Then I remembered, there was scaffolding on the outside of the building next door, but no one was working on Sunday. Pulling myself out of my window carefully, I climbed onto the wood I was even with. I lowered myself down the side ladder and hopped off the bottom.

"Sometimes this is too easy." I said brushing off my clothes, blending in with everyone on the street and heading towards the tube.

Jax was waiting outside the tattoo parlour when I got there and greeted me with a hug. "So why did you ask to meet here?"

"I'm getting a tattoo, duh." I laughed swinging open the door and heading inside. He followed me in without a second thought.

Connor's POV

"I know, I know. We'll go with her and then maybe we can slowly drop hints about what's happening. But nothing too much because she is not doing well." I responded to Tris.

"Con, the band's not doing well either." James placed his hand on my shoulder reassuring me. "Look, we all know you care about the girl. We all do too. She has a right to know what's happened to him though and what it's doing to the band."

"Fine." I walked towards her room and knocked. "Izzy, are you ready to go?" No response so I knocked again. "Izzy?" After knocking a third time with no response, I tried the door and found it unlocked. Pushing open the door, I noticed the open window.

I returned to the kitchen where everyone was waiting. As I entered the room, Jorden asked what everyone was thinking, "Where's Iz?"

"She's gone."


know more than the squad. but still no news on Brad besides the fact that the band has issues sorry. Next chapter though promise.

Speaking of I'll update when I get 35 comments (cuz damn you got to 25 a lot quicker than I thought you would). How does that sound?


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