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Brad's POV

Isabella had been gone two days, and the only contact I had had with Harley was her telling me that Isabella would be fine as long as we didn't contact the police.

I didn't even know if I could trust her, but I had to because if anything happened to Isabella it would be on me.

"It's been two fucking days. We have to do something now." Connor said, pacing back and forth in Jorden's kitchen.

I took Isabella being gone hard; Connor took it even worse. If Tristan hadn't been there, I swear he would've rung my neck. After trying to attack, things went in the opposite direction, and he quit speaking to me altogether. Even now we only exchange a few words. He blames me so I understand where he's coming from because I blame myself as well.

"What if we text Harley back? It couldn't hurt right?" Jorden suggested.

"Or Izzy could get hurt?" Connor slammed his fist on the wall in frustration. Jorden grabbed Connor and sat him in a chair, attempting to calm him down. All he did was shrug her off.

We all just say there sullen, not knowing what to do, until my phone rang. Connor and I both jumped to get to it first. I grabbed it, unlocking it to a video from Harley.

Everyone surrounded me as I clicked play and turned up the volume.

There Isabella was, messy red hair and all. She looked broken and hurt though. There were dark circles rimming her eyes from smudged makeup and lack of sleep. Harley said she was fine, but there was a huge black and purple mark across her cheek.

She coughed a few times and began to speak. "Uhm...hi Brad. I am alright and will continue to be as long as you follow instructions. They want money, that's all. You have a week to get them £350,000. No less. I...I just...." Isabella started crying. "Brad do what you have to. And just know that I loved you. I loved you with all of my fucked, piece of shit heart. I know I've been a bitch since you met me and I'm-"

"Who the fuck said you could go off script?" A voice screamed as a body stormed towards Isabella. He smacked her then turned back to the camera. He looked oddly familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"What the fuck?!" Connor yelled, scaring me so much that I dropped my phone.

I shushed him and picked it up to finish with the video. The guy smirked. "Some of you/all of you recognise me because I'm sure you are all watching to see how this lovely one is doing." He turned around and caressed Isabella's cheek as she tried to pull away. "Now Brad, I'm Jax. The one who Iz here turned to when all of her friends, your friends turned away. She said she didn't have a boyfriend but I knew that was all for naught because she was yours as Harley is mine."

"Hiya love." Harley stepped in to screen and kissed Jax.

"Now get us the money, contact no one, and you get Iz here back. Okay. Okay?" Jax smiled back at the camera. "Bye for now. Say bye Isabella."

He forced her to face the camera and she let out a quiet goodbye. The video ended there.

"I should've fucking smashed his face in when I had the chance outside the tattoo parlour." Connor shouted, walking back to the table and pushing over a chair.

"Alright Connor, calm down. We've just got to figure this out." Tristan said, picking up the chair.

I threw my phone against the wall, watching it smash. I was crushed just like it. "No, Tris, we won't. None of us have that kinda money. We're fucked."


I don't even have words...

But please comment because ever since I stopped with quotas no one has so I think no one is reading so I think why update?

that's all for now in this fucked up fantasy though


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