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Connor and I ended up going back to his to watch movies. Time got away from us and soon enough I found myself waking up curled in a ball next to him.

"Morning sunshine." Connor smiled at me.

I stretched then rolled over to check the time: 11:30 AM. "Shit! Why did you let me sleep so long, you idiot?"

"You seemed peaceful plus you must've been having a good dream because I swear you were smiling in your sleep."

"It was a nice vacation from reality but here I am back. And it doesn't want to shut up." I said, showing Connor the never ending texts I was receiving from everyone asking where I was.

Connor laughed. "Well I can't help you there sorry."

"Some kind of best friend you are."

He stuck his tongue out at me just like he did so many times before. For some reason it has become his thing and my only response was to do it back leaving us both in fits of laughter.

"Now as much as I love spending time with you. I've got a costume to put together for tonight." Slowly I gathered my stuff scattered around Connor's room. While I did this, I asked if he had figured out what he was wearing.

He pulled his phone out to show me a picture of him and Jorden dressed normally. I looked at him for some kind of explanation.

"We are Snow White and her prince, just updated."

Looking back down at the phone, I understood. Jorden had on a yellow skirt with a blue button down tucked into it. Over top of it, she was wearing a red cardigan and had a matching bow in her hair. Meanwhile Connor had on grey skinny jeans, a blue T-shirt, and a maroon leather jacket.

"Well aren't you two just adorable. And I guess that gives me more costume ideas to top."

"Izzy, you wish." He said ruffling my hair.

Connor led me to his door and opened it for me. As I left, I glanced back over my shoulder. "Oh just you wait, Ball. It's going to be one lovely night. See you later."

I quickly texted everyone telling them I was okay. Brad still didn't like and fully comprehend my relationship with Connor as completely platonic, but honestly with his new budding friendship with Harley he could fuck off.

Heading towards Oxford Street, I decided Primark was the best place to go seeing as I could get what I needed cheap and if it fell apart the next day oh well.

I scoured the store when I got there, trying to be inspired and come up with ideas. Frozen was so last year and as much as I love my ginger sister Merida I didn't need Connor asking me to do a Scottish accent.

Wandering over towards the jewellery, I found a silver bracelet made from a bent fork. Suddenly the idea popped into my head, Ariel. I couldn't just be any Ariel though because I'm sure there would be a few. When I touched my glasses that I so often forgot about, I realized I was already halfway to hipster Ariel so I might as well go all out.

I collected green high-waisted shorts, a purple crop top, green suspenders, and a seashell necklace. I knew I already had green high-tops I could wear so I didn't need those, but let me tell you it was good I worked so much the past two days.

Next stop was a craft store to get poster board. I had this idea to make a sign to carry that looked like a speech bubble in comics saying, "Under the sea but in a part you've never heard of."

Once I was done my shopping, I headed back home to get ready.

"Ah Isabella. Where have you been hiding?" Frederick asked as I entered the store.

"With Connor then shopping this morning." I said raising my bags. "Is Jorden home?"

"Sorry you've just missed her. I think she went to Connor's to get ready. Surprised you didn't pass her."

"It's alright. I'm gonna go get ready myself." I walked through the store then upstairs.

First, I got to work on my sign. Once that was done I figured I should make some dinner before I go get drunk off my ass. While I was eating, my phone started ringing, Brad.

"Hello." I said answering with a mouthful of pasta.

"Isabella, we're going to come by to pick you up in about 20 minutes."

"Since when are you picking me up?"

"I just figured--"

I cut him off. "Yeah. I'm going to take a cab if that's alright with you. Actually, whether you are okay with it or not, I'm taking a cab. I plan on making an entrance in my costume because I want you to be surprised plus there's no way I'm going to be ready in 20 minutes."

He huffed on the other end of the phone, clearly unhappy with my decision. Before he began to talk, I heard a clear female voice yell, "Brad, are you ready? We've got to go."

"I'll be right there." He shouted back. I went to speak but he said, "Yes, that was Harley before you say anything. Since I invited her and no one knows her, I'm letting her come with us to make sure she gets in."

"Okay, whatever you say. I'll see you in about a hour probably. Bye." I hung up the phone before he could even say goodbye because I didn't want him lecturing me about Harley or my lateness. I sat back in my chair sighing, thinking about us but decided to not stay hung up on that issue for too long.

Quickly, I got ready, faltering a bit in my decision on whether to wear the suspenders up or down. I ended up with them up but figured I would end up putting them down eventually. Besides putting a bit of purple eye shadow on, I didn't really bother doing my make-up because who does their makeup under the sea?

I would've been ready in the 20 minutes Brad suggested easily, but he didn't need to know that. Just as I was about to call a cab, Brad texted saying he sent an Addison Lee over that would be there in 10 minutes. I rolled my eyes at the text before responding with a thank you. I took a few selfies with my sign that I could post to twitter later and finished just as Frederick called upstairs for me.

He grinned at me as I came down the stairs. "You look lovely. I hope you have a great night."

"Thank you." I smiled back, before making my way outside. Sliding into the back of the taxi, I had a feeling tonight was going to be one interesting event, good or bad though I couldn't tell.


1 more chapter til the party.

Also only 6 days til I leave London which is so sad. But I'm happy because I got to see Brad, Connor, and James one last time last night before I leave. My pictures are on my Twitter as per usual


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