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I don't like writing before the chapter begins but there are some major trigger warnings in this chapter and I just want to warn you all. If any of you need anyone to talk to, after this chapter or just in general don't be afraid to private message me. I care about you guys and want to help you all.

Now on with the chapter....

"Why the fuck are you doing this?" I yelled at Jax through the tears after he ended the video.

"You are talking and you shouldn't be. I will answer your question though." He pulled up across from me, sitting down. "Your boyfriend there, Mr. Big Time Singer Star. Well in primary school he was just as popular. Popular kids don't like kids like me or like I was. Little old me was scrawny and tiny. I would eat on my own, do my homework, live my life. Brad couldn't let me live easy though. He made my life a living hell. Every day he tormented me, bullied me physically and emotionally. He did it all so him and his friends could have their daily laugh. Well, it pushed me too far. One night when I thought my parents weren't going to be gone for awhile. I wrote a note and slit my wrists. I had cut before because of him but this was to end it all. My parents though had forgotten something at home and found me unconscious but still alive in my bathroom. After a few days in emergency care, I was transferred to the psych ward to be rehabilitated. I was away from my tormenter, but he still haunted me. That was until this lovely one came to start as an intern." He pointed at Harley, smiling. "She turned my life around and made me happy. I still held a grudge against Brad though. I vowed to take everything from him as he had pushed me to lose all of myself because of him."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I thought Brad was just a womanising asshole before we met. The thought of him being a bully would've never even crossed my mind, and one that did something so horrible as what he did to Jax. Honestly after hearing that, I felt bad for him because I had faced the same tortures when I was in high school or four years of hell. My view of Brad was twisting and distorting in my mind. I don't know how I could face him after all this knowing what he had done.

Then I realized something. "So you said everything. Guess that means I won't be making it out of this one alive."

"As evil as that is. I could never do that to you. You were nice even when you didn't know me. Plus I think too much blood as been spilt thanks to Bradley anyways. You will go back to him once we have the money." That was the last Jax had to say as he stood and left the room with Harley.

I fell asleep shortly after from exhaustion.

In my dream, I was back in high school at home. There I was no friends, just trying to make it through the day.

"Oh Isabella."

That voice.

I turned and there stood Ms. Priss, queen of the school, Macy. "Get over here." I did my best to stand my ground but her glare drew me in. "You ignorant bitch. Apparently you aren't as smart as you say you are, getting me a D on my English paper. Well you aren't that bright and you sure as hell ain't pretty so good luck with your life. You're going nowhere and you've got no one. You're dad probably killed himself because it was so ashamed of having a daughter like you."

I could feel the tears coming because I knew what she was going to say next, but I tried my best to hold them back. All of a sudden, I was looking at different brown eyes.

It was the same words that pushed me to my breaking point, but they were coming from Brad's mouth. "You might as well just take your father's lead and kill yourself too. It's not like there's anyone that will ever want you. Just do yourself a favour because you will never see color."

"Holy fuck. Are you okay?" Jax asked.

My eyes opened to see his face in front of me. My face and shirt were wet probably from crying. I felt his hand on my shoulder and shrugged it off. "Bad dream, not that you care."

"Fine. Be that way." Jax said and left the room once more.

I didn't know what my mind was doing to me, but I really didn't know if I ever wanted to see Brad again.


Yes my lovelies I am here

I just typed this up real quick. I don't know what came over me but I felt like I should update so

Sorry for being such a flake but I'm in major writers block. Thank god I got this chapter out. Just please bear with me as I try to sort this book out and get back into it

And pleaseeeee comment and vote


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2015 ⏰

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