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Iz's POV

The next day I headed over to the hotel that the boys had been staying at to talk to Brad. I was hoping for the best but honestly expecting the worst. The whole way there I tried to sort out what I was gonna say.

Do I just say "I love you" as soon as he opens the door? Do I do what Connor suggested and tell him what I saw then say I forgive him?

"Isabella! Oh my god hey!" A distant shrill stopped my thoughts as I was waiting for the elevator to head upstairs.

There she was, the bitch, scurrying over to me. If I hadn't heard her voice, I sure would've gotten a headache from the clinking of jewellery that hung from her neck. A gaudy, oversized short necklace was clanging with a longer chain. My eyes followed the links down to a cross and wing.

"Don't you just love it? It's Brad's." She picked it up and basically shoved it in my face to look at it.

"Yeah. I know."

"He gave it to me this morning. I woke up and there it was." The elevator arrived, and we both stepped on. "Oh you must be coming to see Connor. It's so nice that you are back."

Smiling, I turned to her. "Oh I never left actually. Also I'm here to see Brad, to talk to him."

"Honey, I don't think that's for the best. He's happy now. We are happy now. Why complicate things?"

I scoffed. "Complicate things? You complicated things. We were just fine without you then you went and weaselled your way into our lives."

She raised her voice at me. "Don't go blaming me for your mistake. You left him. It's not like he left you for me."

"You were the one that got him hammered at the Halloween party and basically dressed as me so you could have him."

"Like I would want to be you with your messed up mind. Don't flatter yourself. You're just jealous that Brad and I are meant to be." The elevator reached the floor and Harley stepped out first. I went to follow her, but she turned around. "You know what. I don't think it's best you see Brad. Now. Or ever."

She pushed me back in the elevator and pressed the lobby button before I could get out another word. I was so flustered that I didn't even think about pushing the open door button.

I reached the ground floor but wasn't going down without a fight. Riding the elevator back up, I told myself that if she tried to get in my way Harley was going to get a black eye.

As I turned the corner from the elevators towards Brad's room, I overheard Harley.

"Babe, she's causing problems!"

Wait, who the fuck was she on the phone if Brad was in the room? I took a few steps back to hear her and stay out of sight.

"I don't know what to do. I got her to go away, but she's gonna come back. The two of them are meant, and she isn't just gonna let him go." There was a pause. "Yeah. I've been selling the jewellery then putting the money in the account. How much more do we need though because I don't think we have a lot of time?"

Hold on. Brad was mine. She had a boyfriend, and she was just using Brad for the money. That bitch.

"What was that, love?"

I looked up and there Harley was staring right at me. I really need to stop thinking out loud. "I didn't say anything."

"Oh yes you did. And I think you may have heard a bit too much." She took my head and bashed it against the wall. All I could see was her laughing as I fell to the ground and blacked out.

Harley's POV

"Yeah that's what you get bitch." I shouted at Isabella's lifeless body.

"Harley? Are you there?" Jax was screaming at me on the phone. "I heard a loud bang."

I smiled. "Oh I'm fine. We just have a problem. Isabella is kind of out."


I kicked her body, and she groaned. "Just unconscious. But she knows everything."

"Well take her in Brad's room, and I'll come get the two of you."

"Okay. Give me two seconds." I locked my phone and shoved it in my back pocket. Luckily, I had a key to the hotel room so I drug her in the room, leaving her on the floor by the bed. "Alright."

"Harley, I'm back early!" Brad shouted stepping in the room. His eyes widened at the sight of me holding Isabella's feet as she laid on the ground. "What the?"

As he was about to open the door, I tackled him to the ground. "It wasn't supposed to happen like this. I'm sorry." My fist connected with his face, and he stopped moving beneath me.

Awesome. Now I had two bodies. "So, uhm, Brad came back, and he's unconscious now too. What should I do?" I asked Jax

"Harley, what the fuck!?"

"He saw her. I didn't know what to do."

Jax didn't answer for quite some time, obviously thinking. "Okay. Tie him up. We'll take her and use her to get the rest of the money. Just make sure they both stay out and no one else shows up."

"Alright. Sorry, babe. See you soon."

I ended the call and laid back on the bed. Well, this wasn't how anything was supposed to go but whatever works I guess.


Surprise bitch bet you thought you'd seen the last of me? *cough Harley cough* PLOT TWIST

But wow what a heartless bitch because the drama couldn't just end right?

Also question: does it scare you when I start by saying "Iz's POV" cuz that means it'll change?

And I'll update when this chapter has 50 comments and I've got the next bit written


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