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A week.

That's how long I holed up in my room alone after the party. Jorden or Connor would occasionally bring me food, but all I did was sit and watch them bring it in. Silence was all I wanted.

The last words I had spoken were to Brad, or rather his voicemail, the day after the Halloween party. I "set him free" so that he could be happy with Harley not telling him I saw what I did. As much as I was hoping he would put up a fight, he didn't so that was the end of that. Jorden and Connor tried to keep me from seeing, but I saw the pictures of Brad and Harley. I was so numb though they didn't even faze me.

It took everything in me to not up and leave London entirely, but I had too much here that I couldn't let go of. Also, Jorden and Connor weren't going to let me go in my state so there I sat alone with just my thoughts and silence for a week.

"Alright, screw it. I'm not letting you sit in here and mope any longer. I gave you a week but no more." Connor ripped open the curtains to my room, flooding it with light. He pulled all the sheets off me and drug them out into the hall with him. He shouted, "You will be showered and dressed in 30 minutes, or Jorden will come in there and make sure it happens."

I didn't know what to do, but I was afraid he was right. I gathered myself and walked into the bathroom. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my reflection though it didn't even look like me. All the color seemed drained from my eyes which were rimmed with dark circles. My skin looked pale and sickly while my hair hung limp and lifeless on my shoulders. The girl I was staring at was not Isabella Kingsleigh. I had become a shell of myself which was something I couldn't deal with.

All of a sudden I burst into tears and fell to my knees with a bang. "I'm so stupid. Why did I think any of this would ever work out in my favor? It's not like anything ever does. All I wanted was to be happy but I don't even know how to anymore. I just want this all to end. There has to be a way out. I was so close before, I could try again."

Connor pushed open the door, making me immediately stop talking. "Izzy, are you okay?" He sat down on the floor opposite me and pulled me close.

"I don't think I ever will be."

"Don't say that. Things have an odd way of working out I promise. For now though, here's some words of wisdom for you: fuck boys." I couldn't help but smile through the tears. "You've got so many great people in your life who needs a match anyways?"

Connor's presence had subdued my tears. That was always the case because he knew how to make me smile even if it was just for a moment. I wiped the last few drops from beneath my eyes and stood up, pulling him up with me. "I've got even better words of wisdom: Fuck Brad Simpson."

"That's my girl." He said wrapping his arms around me for a hug. "Now how about you get a move on? There's bacon out there calling your name."

"Oooooh my favorite. You know me too well, Ball. Now get out so I can shower." I waved at Connor as I shooed him out of the bathroom.

I cleaned myself up and got dressed in the most presentable, comfiest clothes I had before heading out to the kitchen.

"You're alive. We've been so worried." Melanie was the first to greet me with a big hug. Looking over her shoulder, I saw I had an entire welcoming party, shockingly enough including Tristan and James.

She let go and I awkwardly waved to the crew. "Uhm, hey guys."

I took a seat between Connor and Melanie at the table and immediately dug in. The amount of food I ended up consuming was unfathomable but considering I hadn't really eaten in a week there were no objections. After about my fourth serving, I leaned back in my chair ready to go into a food coma.

"So what brings you all around? I wasn't expecting such a large group for my reappearance into the world." Everyone exchanged glances trying to urge one another to speak, leaving the room silent. "Is everything alright?"

"Actually no." Tristan spoke.

Connor turned to me and grabbed my hand. "It's Brad."


Uh-oh what could be wrong with Brad??

Thanks to everyone who commented. I really liked getting feedback so I'm gonna set the next update at 25 comments cuz I think that's doable.

Also if anyone wants to volunteer, a trailer for b&ww or colorblind or both would be fab. Tweet me anything @/legslikebradley. Tell me that my fic sent you and I'll follow you back xx


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