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I grabbed the first drink I could get my hands on, throwing it back then a couple more without a second thought. It was going to take a lot of alcohol to get me through the night I could tell.

I walked over scooching myself in the circle next to Connor and awkwardly smiled. "Hey guys."

"Girl, your costume is perfect! It's so you and the sign, so on point," Melanie said making me feel more comfortable.

The thing was though that these were my friends so I shouldn't have felt uncomfortable. Harley's proximity to Brad made me feel so out of place though like I didn't belong there.

Everyone else agreed that my costume was by far the best they had seen because it was so unique. I put on a weak smile, accepting their compliments.

"You guys are being too modest. I love all your costumes especially the couples. James and Tris, I think you guys take the top spot in that category."

Tris spoke, stepping away from James. "Hey we weren't supposed to be matching. I wanted to be a villain and my hair worked for this."

"And James will use any excuse to show off his body." I responded. All James could do was shrug his shoulders and nod in agreement. "I'm going to go get a drink, does anyone want anything?"

Everyone nodded, and I made my way to the bar. Unfortunately, when I got there I realized there were more drinks for me to carry than I had hands.

Two arms snaked their way around my waist as a head leaned on my shoulder. His lips touched my cheeks before whispering in my ear, "You look amazing."

Smiling, I turned to face Brad. "And hello to you too, Mr. Hatter."

"Well then, Ariel, I came to help you carry the drinks considering the task seems impossible."

"Only if you believe it is."

Brad was taken back by my response. "Did you just quote Alice in Wonderland back to me?"

"Well I don't know, could you tell me why a raven is like a writing desk?"

He couldn't help but grin. "You did!"

"Yeah, it's my-"

"Hey guys! Everyone was wondering where you got to so I said I would come investigate." Harley placed her gloved hands on Brad's shoulder to lean on him. "Sorry, love, these shoes are killing me. Isabella made the right choice in sneakers."

Brad made no motion to shrug her off. Instead, he helped her as she balanced to fix her heels.

I rolled my eyes and put my back to the two of them to speak with the bartender. "Can I get the strongest drink you have?"

He made some concoction and watched in awe as I put the drink away in one large gulp.

"Oooh are we doing shots?" Harley clapped her hands together, inching herself into a spot next to me at the bar. "Let's go take these to the group then come back."

Before I could say anything, Brad said we were both in. I had to take a couple deep breaths to keep from exploding. Putting on my best smile, I walked the drinks back to everyone then followed Harley and Brad back to the bar once more.

After 5 shots, I couldn't do anymore. I was definitely tipsy plus the music sounded so good. All I wanted to do was dance. Grabbing Brad's hand, I tried to drag him with me to the dance floor, but he decided on more shots. His loss, whatever.

Dancing my way across the room, I found everyone else at a table where they were all drinking.

"Will someone pleaseeeeeee come dance with me? Brad is being an ass and won't. He's too busy taking shots with Harleyyy." I drug out her name, doing my most dramatic eye roll of the day.

Everyone decided to come dance with me. I ended up with Tris and James jamming to any and all songs that came on. The three of us were coming up with these crazy dances to go along with the songs that I was sure would be gone from my memory in the morning. It was so much fun though, and Brad was missing it.

I tugged Tris' toga so he would lean down to hear me talk. "I'm going to find Brad. Stay right here and I'll be back for more," I shouted louder than probably necessary, but he didn't seem to care, just smiling and giving me a thumbs up.

Pushing through people and tripping a couple times, I not so gracefully found my way back to the bar. The only thing was Brad and Harley were nowhere to be found. I turned and out of the corner of my eye saw that stupid top hat moving along in the crowd. Soon enough though, I lost it again.

Now I needed to pee as well. I had put too much liquid into my body oops. My Brad hunt could wait because my bodily functions mattered more.

Using my body, I pushed open the bathroom door and nearly puked at the sight. My eyes graced the top hat on the floor along with a mass of red sparkles.

Brad was laid on the couch with Harley straddling him dressed only in a white slip dress and the red wig. His hands roamed her body as the two furiously kissed. Her hands found their way to his hair tugging the curls back to life that had been matted by the hat.

I didn't even have words. All I could do was burst into tears and run. Run all the way back to the dance floor and into Connor's arms because I only wanted him right now.

"Izzy, calm down. Is everything alright?" He said leading me back to a table rubbing my back.

I snapped. "Do I look fucking alright Connor? Brad and Harley are practically having sex in the bathroom so what do you think?"

"We're leaving. Stay here while I tell the others."

He was there and back again in two seconds, obviously wanting me to take me home as soon as possible. Connor grabbed my hand and took me outside where he called us a cab.

"Iz, are you okay?" Jax startled me.

Connor pushed me back, putting himself between Jax and myself. "Who the fuck are you?"

"Con, he's chill. This is Jax, the bouncer. I was talking to him earlier before I went inside." Connor stepped aside but still held me close. I looked towards Jax. "I'm fine, just boy issues really."

"Well if you ever need anyone to talk to, call me." He said slipping his number into my hand.

I said thank you before I hopped into the awaiting taxi, followed by Connor.

"We are gonna need to talk about him, but first what happened?"

"First off sorry for my outburst. Second, Brad's a dick. Third, you look very handsome tonight." I leaned over to him, putting my hands around his neck. My body had taken over and my brain was drowning in alcohol. My lips had just about reached his before he pushed me away.

"Woah, Izzy. What are you doing?"

"I don't know. Why the fuck did she have to come along and ruin everything? I just want to be happy." I started crying again and buried my face in Connor's chest.

He rubbed small circles on my back while he spoke. "Well how's kissing me going to help?"

Looking up at him, I placed my hand on his cheek. "Don't you see? You have always been my happiness and I just keep thinking maybe this could work." I hiccuped only meaning one thing. "And also, I'm fairly drunk so there's that."

Connor laughed, making me smile. He wiped the tears from underneath my eyes. Slowly, he began singing "A Daydream Away" by All Time Low while I drifted to sleep listening to his lullaby.


Merry day after Christmas!!

I will update when I have 20 comments (sorry I wanna get feedback on the story and idk if people are reading this anymore)


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