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I watched the clock tick second after second in the shop. Just a few more minutes and I was free for dinner. I was working full-time basically the past two days so I had off tomorrow for costume hunting and the party. Before that though I finally was having dinner with Connor tonight, just the two of us.

The door to the shop opened, and I locked gazes with my favorite pair of blue eyes.

"Connor." I jumped from behind the counter, running to hug him.

"It's nice to see you too, Izzy." He laughed letting me go.

I punched his shoulder. "I'm still upset with you for the other day."

He rubbed his shoulder where I hit him then tucked a spare strand of hair behind my ears. "I care about you okay. I just get worried when you disappear. You have a habit of doing that, you know?"

"Yeah yeah yeah, alright. Shall we go to dinner?"

Connor nodded. I ran upstairs to get my phone and change my shirt despite his protests about how hungry he was.

We ended up grabbing pizza not far from the shop. It was nice just sitting and chatting for a bit. I missed Connor more than anything. He had become my brother basically so it felt weird parting with him to go home. Leaving family was hard but coming back to it was so sweet.

"So how was home, Izzy?"

I swallowed the bite of pizza I had taken right before he spoke then answered, "Pretty good. It was nice seeing my mom and being in my own bed. Definitely relaxing. I missed you a lot though."

"Jorden and I missed you too. Though it was nice to finally get some proper alone time." He winked at me.

"Don't ruin my appetite. I've still got half a pizza to eat here."

"Come on. You can't tell me you and Brad haven't you know..." I just shook my head no because there was no reason for me to be having this discussion with him. "Well, alright. At least you guys are doing good." I took another bite of pizza so I didn't have to respond. "Seriously?"

"Well it's good then it's bad then it's good again. Honestly, it's just a mess. And now with this girl in the picture."

Connor slowly lowered his glass looking at me confused. "What girl? Last time I checked you and him were meant to be. Don't tell me he is back to his old ways."

"Oh fuck no. I would already be home if that was the case. This girl Harley ran into Brad yesterday then said she saw color because of him. Now apparently it's a thing that could happen but either me or her has another match."

"Okay, and how did Brad take this?"

"Well after I did my usual storm out and sob routine. I went back to the hotel to talk to him and she was there. He said it was nothing though. He went off on this whole thing about how much he cares about me."


"And I think he almost said he loved me but then she interrupted and he's invited her to the Halloween party and I don't know what the fuck to do." I blurted it all out so fast in one long sentence that I was breathing heavily.

Connor waited for me to catch my breath and take a drink of water before he asked the next question. "Iz, what were you gonna do if he said he loves you?"

"I don't know. Panic like I always do?"

"Well do you love him?"

There it was. That question I've been asking myself since Brad proposed. To marry someone, you have to love them or why else would you be getting married really. Still I had no answer for myself or Connor so all I could do was shrug.

Connor shook his head disappointed. "Maybe you two aren't meant to be after all. Harley is just a blessing in disguise really to show you that."

"But I'm afraid of what I'll lose if I lose Brad. Being with him makes me happier than I've been. He makes me feel good about myself which I've had trouble with in the past. You and him both really do that for me."

Connor reached over and placed his hand over mine, giving it a squeeze. "Well, you know you'll never lose me. I promise you that."

"Pinky swear?" I pulled my hand from beneath his and held out my pinky.

He wrapped his pinky around mine and smiled. "Pinky swear."


just because we needed cute connor and iz in our lives

I'm updating cuz I saw the boys today and Brad was being really cute with me so yeah you're lucky af joordenn If anyone wants to see my photo it's on my Twitter @/legslikebradley


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