6: Pain & Many, Many Questions

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"You jab me one more time, and I swear to god I will-" Another flash of pain darts up my arm, causing me to quiver back.

I sent an annoyed glare at the young nurse who managed to mouth the word 'sorry' to me, despite her frightened state. I just let my head fall back onto the pillow behind me as I calmed myself down.

I stared down at my red-stained hands, which had mostly been cleaned showing all of the marks where the glass had pierced my skin. Of course the wounds were still bleeding but with the nurse's super ninja skills, she had managed to free my right hand of any glass and bandaged it up. Leaving my left hand to be dealt with, which seemed to be proving difficult for me at this very moment.

The officer who had the pleasure of sharing the past four hours of my life with me, quietly peeped through the small gap in the door and shared a sweet smile between the two of us, slightly lingering on the nurse longer than I would have expected. The nurse blushed before turning back to me and prying the last shard of glass from my hand with one quick, yet painful swoop.

"For crying out loud, ow!" I yelped. The nurse smirked whilst wrapping a bandage around my hand, before collecting up all of the equipment and rushing out past the officer.

I gulped down the nerves that were making my throat dry. I really was not up for another round of questions, but I guess I didn't really have a choice in the matter.

"Are you okay now?" The officer smiled. I plastered on a sad smile, whilst fidgeting with the loose threads on the bandages covering my hands.

"Yea, I guess. Listen I am sorry you had to see all of that." I barely said. He sighed and sat at the edge of the bed, causing me to slide slightly towards him because of the dip he had created.

"Hey, that's what I'm here for right?" The officer chuckled. "It's my job to help and protect society."

"I didn't quite catch your name before." I said. A small smile creeps up to his face as he drew out a badge from inside his coat.

"PC Chase Moore, pleasure to meet you miss." Chase extended his hand out for my bandaged one to take. I shook his hand laughing at his smugness.

"I understand that you have to finish questioning me but, do we honestly have to do it right now?" I asked tiredly. Chase slipped his badge back into his jacket and pulled out a notepad.

"Well I wasn't going to start now, but since you brought it up..." He trailed off. I let out a angry groan whilst sitting with my arms crossed at my idiocy.

"Fine, go ahead." I huffed. Chase let out a low chuckle, whilst flipping through the book for a clean page.

"I promise it won't take too long." He smiled.

"Uh huh." I sighed. I blankly stared out of the window to the car park, where I noticed my mother climbing out of Cole's yellow truck and running towards the hospital's entrance. My eyes widened at the scene and panic ran through my body, causing me to shiver.

"Okay, so as I asked earlier, what made you react the way that yo-" Chase stared at me like I had gone crazy, trying to figure out why I was practically finding it hard to breathe.

"Chase?" I whispered.

"Yes, are you alright?" He waved his hand in front of me to try and get my attention but I was too deep in shock.

"Lock the door, now!" I whisper-yelled. Chase shuffled on the bed, feeling confused by my words.

He slowly traced my glare to outside the window, where my mother was currently screaming at a group of police officers who wouldn't allow her inside. Cole just casually stood there scrolling through his phone, oblivious to my hysterical mother.

Chase ran to the door and turned the key, whilst I ran to the window and yanked the curtains closed. Well this is going to be exciting.

After a moment of silence, we both sat back on the bed and began the questioning once again. Two questions, and I was already tired of the slowness of this interrogation.

It won't take long, my ass.

My guess is that, we are going to be here for a while. Not only because of the endless amount of questions being fired my way, but my delusional mother is practically barricading the only accessible exit.


Sorry that the chapter is so short, I didn't have a lot of time to write anything. However, I hope you enjoyed this chapter non the less.

Vote? Comment? Thanks everyone. :)

Media box: Cole's truck

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