10: More Arguing & A Pretty New Face

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"So, that's when you got on your bike and ran away?" Cole slurped down the rest of his hot chocolate, awaiting an answer.

"I didn't run away," I scoffed. "I just needed to clear my head. You know when you said pancakes, I didn't exactly know at the time that this was all just a trap, to lure me into interrogation."

"Well, you know what they say about me." Cole smiled, leaning back with his arms behind his head.

"No, what would that be?" I smirked.

"I don't know. Why, what did Jasper tell you?" He instantly fell forwards, his hands on the table keeping him upright, whilst he looked at me with wild eyes.

"N-nothing! It's just you said... and... I... Ugh." I panicked.

"Ha ha, I'm kidding." He said, leaning back in his chair.

"Speaking of Jasper, where is he? I haven't seen him in a while." I questioned. Cole shrugged in reply.

Jasper, for those who don't know, is Cole's older brother. The two of them look nothing alike, however their personalities are very much relatable.

Cole and I had come to this really cute little diner, just outside of town. They were best known for their heaven-like milkshakes. I guess that's why Cole is always obsessed with coming here.

As promised, Cole bought me a plate of butterscotch pancakes with a hot chocolate. I was a little disappointed that by the time the hot chocolate reached the table, all the whipped cream had melted. But I wasn't complaining.

I had told Cole everything from when Clay had walked through the door, to almost collapsing on the floor from the sudden news that I had two other brothers. Cole had said that he knew about Clay, but not so much Derek and the baby on the way. Although, he could be lying...

"But in all seriousness, what are you going to do?" Cole asked, whilst attempting to make a paper-airplane from a napkin. Yeah, good luck with that.

"I honestly don't know. What would you do?" I queried, taking a sip from my hot chocolate.

I have no idea how Cole has already drunk all of his hot chocolate so quickly, because I keep burning my tongue every time I try to take a gulp. Well that's Cole for you, I guess.

"Well, I would probably go back home, see if Clay is still there, and clear some things up with him. Allie, I wish I could help you, but you know I am not very good in the advice giving department." He laughed.

"I know Cole, but I'm just still really angry about no one telling me about my family. You know, it would have been nice to at least have known about them." I shrugged.

"I know, but if you keep holding a grudge against everyone, you'll never get the answers you so desperately want answered." Cole reached out his hand, placing it over mine.

"Cole, I just don't want to be disappointed. What if I go to meet them, and they all turn their noses up at me? What would I do then?" I looked down into my mug, watching the chocolatey goodness swirl round, following the path of my spoon I used to stir the sugar with.

"Allison Fern, are you an idiot or what?" Cole yelled standing up, looking very offended.

His tone surprised me. He has never raised his voice to me like that before. I sat and watched Cole's chest heaving in and out with rage.

"Excuse me?" I yelled back, now standing up next to him. The few people in the diner turned away from what they were doing to watch our absurd argument.

"I said are you an idiot? Your family would never turn you down. Especially when I know that Clay has been searching for you, for two freaking years." He drawled out.

My eyes widened as Cole retook his seat, settling himself down. I sat down opposite to him in the booth, shaking off the stares I was receiving from the remaining people in the diner.

"How do you know that?" I whispered over to Cole.

"Because he told me, Al. But I didn't dare say a word to him about your whereabouts, because I didn't want you to be frightened by all of this. You weren't supposed to know until you turned sixteen." Cole's sympathetic eyes saw right into mine.

I continuously stared into his eyes, before gathering my jacket and making my way for the exit. I could hear the squeak of Cole's trainers against the tiles, as he bounded after me.

"Allie, where are you going?" He asked, stopping me in my tracks.

"Cole. Let go, now." I spat, trying to get out of the grip Cole had on my arm.

"No. You're angry, and you won't settle any of this when you're angry." He tried reassuring.

"Cole, no one has the right to dictate my life, or how I want to live it. That also includes you. So, let go." I snarled, shrugging of his grip around my arm.



"No way!"

"Cole, I swear to god-"

"What's going on here?" I spun around to see Clay approaching us.

I merely slipped out of Cole's hold and walked quickly towards Clay. Anger built up inside of me, forcing my blood to boil.

"Allie, I have been looking everywhere-"


"That's for being the worst big brother in the history of big brothers. The next time you want to keep something hidden away from me, just be prepared for pain. Got it?" I screamed.

I sprinted past Clay, with tears threatening to fall. I ran into the forest, avoiding low hanging branches that were just waiting for me to hit my head on. I gracefully jumped over fallen logs, and large branches as I commanded my legs to keep going, regardless of the pain.

"Allie, stop! I know you're angry, but if you'd just let me explain..." Clay's voice was growing further away, word by word.

I dared myself to slow down, fastening my pace. Without knowing, I was absentmindedly making my way towards the lake, that was positioned in the centre of the forest. Maybe I could find somewhere to hide, if I'm lucky. Dad and I know all the hiding places in this part of the forest, like the back of our hands.

I glanced behind me to see Clay was no longer there. Maybe, just maybe, he took the hint that I wasn't to fond of his face right now.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, bringing me out of my daze.

Where are you? Allie, I am so sorry. None of this was meant to happen, not like this anyway. Please call me, I am worried sick. Cole.

Reply or not to reply?

I stuffed my phone back in my pocket and walked to the waters edge. My reflection looked like something from a horror movie. Wild hair, red puffy eyes, dirt-ridden clothes. I looked a complete mess.

I just needed to think, I needed to relax. I sat cross-legged on the pebbles that lined the perimeter of the lake, almost like a mini beach. I closed my eyes, thinking through everything Clay had told me about my family. About my dad.

"Hey." A voice sounded from behind me.

My eyes snapped open, my body shaking with rage. I swear, Clay better just turn around and leave me the hell alone before I do some damage to his face. And possibly his car. I know how much he loves that car, you could see it in his eyes every time someone stopped to admire it.

"Clay, do you really need me to paint you a picture? I am not in the mood for your freaking company!" I yelled turning around to face him.

Although, it wasn't him. Oh no, no. It happened to be one of the cutest guys my brown, oh so adorable orbs had ever laid eyes on.

The shock written on his face was unmistakably cringe worthy. I bowed my head into my hands, before looking up to see if this were truly not a dream.

"I'm such a bitch." I breathed out, guilt hitting me like a bucket of ice, cold water.

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