7: The Feeling Of Being Alone

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"You are the reason he doesn't love me anymore. He ran away because of you, not me!" My mother screamed.

Tears slid down my pale face, as the words that left my mother's mouth invaded my mind. I backed away from my mother's deathly stare, afraid that her eyes would eventually burn through me.

She was right. I am the reason my father left us, and never returned home. If I had just packed my bags and ran, maybe my mother would still be happily curled up in my father's arms.

Wait, what am I talking about? I was twelve for god's sake!

"Maybe, if I took you out of the equation he would come back. Yes! Yes, that's exactly what I need to do." She smiled.

I looked behind my unstable mother, to see three empty bottles of Vodka sprawled over the kitchen table. Of course.

Her frail hand reached for the cutlery draw and pulled out a knife. Oh jeez, what the hell do I do now?

"Mum, please listen to me. You want me gone? I'll go, right now." I cried. I began climbing the stairs towards my room.

My mother prowled behind me, following me to my 'presumed' place of death. I sprinted to my closet, dragging a rucksack out and throwing my clothes messily inside.

"Listen, to you? I have done nothing but cater for you all these years, trying to improve your pathetic excuse for living. You know, I almost feel sorry for you. Almost." She cackled. Her grip tightened around the blade's handle, dangerously.

I wobbled over towards my bed and grabbed my phone, discreetly trying to find Cole's number. Meanwhile, my mother staggered closer to me.

"Mum, please... P-please don't do this." I chocked out. She said nothing. She edged towards me further, leaving me little time to escape.

My mother stood only a short distance away, with a sly grin playing on her dry, cracked lips. My mother's natural beauty was washed away with pure evil.

I desperately grabbed for my bag and swung it at her face, temporarily leaving her frozen with shock. This bought me a few precious seconds to make a run for the front door.

With my bag hitched over my shoulder, I ignored the battle cries from my mother and continued to sprint out onto the main yard.

I turned my head slightly to realize that my mother was no longer following me. With a sigh of relief, I faced forwards once again and jogged away from the house of horrors.

My stomach began aching, then bleeding. What! I looked down to confirm my observation and noticed the blade my mother was holding, penetrating deeper into my abdomen.

"Allie, stay with me! Please don't leave me." Cole cried, holding my senseless body upright by his side. When did he get here?

My throat went numb from the coughs that repeatedly erupted from my chest. I drifted backwards, feeling my body come into contact with the ground. Although it wasn't the ground. It was a soft mattress.

My eyes fluttered closed sending me to a deep slumber almost immediately. I didn't want to go to sleep, I wasn't even tired. Regardless, my eyelids were clamped shut.

"Allie, wake up! Allie. Oh god Allie!" Cole screamed.

My eyes felt heavy with fatigue but my body was fully awake. I couldn't figure out what was happening.

Moments passed, until I was awakened by the cool feeling of water on my skin. I felt like I was floating in the ocean. I opened my eyes just in time to see a nurse pull me from the water and lay me down on a hospital bed, attaching hundreds of wires to my arms and legs. I leaned over the bed to look down at the ground. Where the hell did the water go?

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