8: Here We Go Again...

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"Do you never get tired of picking arguments between us both?" I chuckled, rolling my eyes.

"I am not picking a fight, and I never have done. This is about the fact that your grades are dropping, and no daughter of mine will get away with something like this lightly." My mother snarled.

Over the years, through experiencing many arguments, I have noticed my mother's habit of twitching her top lip whenever she gets angry. In all honesty, it amused me to see her so riled up.

Around others, she plays the cool and collective mother, only looking out for the best in the ones who are closest to her. However, as they say, you never know what goes on behind a closed door.

"My grades are doing just fine," I lied, "and I have every intention of keeping them up to 'your standards'." I played with a loose curl in my hair, making it obvious that I was clearly bored.

"Your grades are fine are they? Are you sure you're telling me the truth, Allison?" My mother coldly stared at my expressionless face, hoping for a sign of hesitation, a sign of weakness.

I stood up from my desk and sauntered my way towards her. I may be a shy, keeps-to-herself kind of girl, but I am not weak. Infact, I am far from weak.

My mother's small smirk fell at me closing the distance between us slightly. Now don't get me wrong, when it comes to intimidation I fail miserably. There's just a vibe that emits from my mother, feeding me the urge to want to over-rule her. Not in a harsh way, just enough to show her that I don't give in to anything too easily.

"Now, why would I want to lie to my darling of a mother? It just doesn't make sense to me, after all we get on so well with each other." I laughed, sarcasm spilling from my words.

"Don't get smart with me young lady, there's no excuse for a poor attitude towards your education. If you want to fail in life, then carry on doing what you're doing. But don't come crying to me when you are in heaps of debt, with no house, no friends, and you have the law chasing after you. " She shouted.

"You really think that low of me, don't you? Well trust me, if dad were still here he would have thrown you out by now for only raising your voice to me." I screamed, slamming the door in her face.

The furniture in my room shook, whilst posters fell to the ground from the amount of force I used to slam the door. A small piece of paper silently floated through the air, before stationing itself on the ground.

I picked up the fragile page and turned it over, only to be looking at the picture I had drawn of the car in my sketchbook. I don't remember ripping it out of the book. I never rip any pages out of that book. Confusion filled my head with so many questioning thoughts.

A whimper sounded from behind my door. "Allie, honey I'm sorry. I didn't mean for us to fight, just... Just please let me talk to you. Like we always used to." I shook my head, dismissing my mother's whiny cry, and focused back on the page.

I remembered my sketchbook went missing, but I never found it. Who has it? I honestly hope I find it soon, because that book holds all of my secrets, all of my feelings. God only knows what will happen, if that book lies in the wrong hands.

God I sound really cliche, don't I?

"Allie, please. I only want for us to be friends again. After your father left, you have always been so silent, you've always been distancing yourself away from anyone who comes near you. I want to know why you are so alone."

I hauled the door open, angry tears wandering down my cheeks. How dare she blame my own choices on my father. Especially when he isn't here to defend himself, that's something my mother never quite understands.

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