Part 9

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Jimin pov

I woke up around 6:30 and started packing our stuff, I turned around and looked at the sleeping yoongi behind me and I couldn't help but smile because he just looked so peaceful and cute. I walk to the main room and fine namjoon picking up hid bag "where are you going?" I say to him as I pick up my wallet "I go to the gym every Monday before all of you are up." He chuckled, he is so organised I thought to myself I walked up to him and gave him a hug "thank you we are gonna have a great time." We are still in the hug and he pats me on the back " it's ok but where are you going?" My eyes widen as I remember why I got my wallet " oh I'm going to the shop to get some food for us." Joon starts laughing which has me confused "wow, your organised for once." We both start laughing but keeping our voices down so we don't wake the others I started to walk towards the door "wait we will walk together." Joon says to me and we go together.

When I get back Tae and Jin are up "how come you two are up so early?" They where sat down and tae was trying to teach Jin how to make a good house on minecraft " we decided that we where gonna get on the Xbox before kook did." Tae laughs " ha ok." I walk to yoongis room and put my phone back on charge "j-jimin." I hear a very tired yoongi say as he stretches  "morning bbie." I say as I lie back down and put my arm around him " you have to get out of bed in half an hour ok?" I smile at him d get excited as I think of what I have planned " oh yeah we're going to that mystery place of yours, I'll pack my stuff." I get his suitcase "I have already packed everything he laughs " wow how are you so organised?" I scrunch up my nose at this comment "why does everyone keep saying that?" I say as he pulls me into a hug "your so cute." He kisses the top of my head which makes my smile get even wider.

We get our bags and say goodbye to everybody except from jungkook and tae as they where on a walk together "bye." Me and yoongi day as we walk out the door holding hands "our flight leaves in two hours so while we are at the airport we can get food and go shopping." I say but I can't seem to keep my eyes off him "ok can you tell me where we are going now?" I laugh  "you'll find out." I say as I check both our bags to see if  we have got all of our important things.

Once we get to the airport we put our masks on so all you can see is our eyes " can we get some Krispy Kreme doughnuts pleaseeee?" Yoongi points to the doughnuts "okay." I move closer to him as we walk " they have a reindeer one I'm gonna get it." I say in excitement and I say yoongi smile "jimine I can't get over how cute you can be sometimes." I start to blush again and smile "what are you gonna get?" Yoongis eyes almost shut as he thinks "that one." He points to the doughnut that is decorated like Santa which makes me laugh.

After eating and going shopping we get onto the plane and walk to our seats " sit by the window." I start smiling again as I can't wait to see his reaction to where we going. He leans his head on my shoulder and we start having one of the best conversations that we have ever had together.

As we start getting closer to the ground yoongis face lights up "LONDON." He smiles and starts getting very excited "yeah that's where we are." I can hear my voice get louder and louder I'm so happy he likes where we are " how long are we here for?" He said to me whilst holding my hand tightly " A week and two days." We are both smiling.


Sorry this one is very long, if you want me to make it more dramatic please tell meeee ❤︎❤︎❤︎

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