Do not give up / Word that hurts

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Thomas POV

It's been 2 weeks and still nothing ...

I'm lying on my bed watching the ceiling.

I think of James's smile.

This time, James has changed. He became closer to me, worried about me ... but he did not talk to me about him anymore.

Why did he change like this?

When he was with his friends, he was normal, but when he looked at me, he stopped ...

I sigh.

"James ... I love you ... please do not leave me," I say.

My phone is ringing.

It must be the hospital.

I look to see that it's James' father. I take a deep breath and pick up.


"Hello, Thomas, do you feel comfortable coming to us at 2 pm?" He asks.

"Uh ... Yes," I say.

"Okay, I will not be here, there will be my wife. So.... goodbye, "he said.

"Goodbye, sir," I said. I pick up.

I am looking at 13:24.

I sigh.

* Skip Time *

I knock on the door to make me open by the mother of James.

"Hello Madam," I say. She has a sad look. She gives me a smile.

"Hi Thomas, I was waiting for you," she said. I look at her confused.

"Come in," she said. I nod and return.

"Sit down if you want," she said. I nod and sit on a couch. She sits in front of me.

We stay for a moment in silence.

"Thomas ..." she begins. I watch it.

She forces me a smile more sincere than the previous one.

"I just wanted ... to talk to you ... about James ..." she said.

"Do you know that James has many health problems?" She asks. I nod.

She wants to interrogate me ???

I do not have time to play with that!

I sigh.

"He's allergic to pollen and he's having trouble breathing, I forgot the name and .... that's all," I say. She nods.

"Did you notice that he ... changed a lot of emotions?" She asks. I look at her confused.

"I do not understand," I say. She thinks.

"Did he get angry quickly?" She asks. I'm thinking.

"Could he be nice and suddenly be angry," she asks, phrasing her sentence in another way.

"Uh ... Yes, it's true he could get excited very quickly," I said. She nods.

"I want to tell you something about James," she said hesitantly.

"He ... he's bipolar," she said. I widen my eyes.

"He never told you, huh? He has medicine that he takes to calm down. I know it's new to you, but ... I wanted you to know it. Thomas please ... do not abandon him, "she said, tears in her eyes. I shake my head several times.

"No, I'll never do it, ma'am, I thought so when I said I love your son. The fact that he's bipolar does not change my feelings for him, "I say.

Tears flow from her eyes, she dries them quickly.

"Thanks ... James is lucky to have you," she said. I smile at him.

"I'm luckier to have him," I say.

Alexandre POV

I go out with my friends in a bar.

While it's been 16 days that Aaron is not awake.

They laugh, while I sit down to ask for a drink.

It's been a few minutes since we arrived and all my friends are drunk.

I have not even had my drink yet.

I only think about Aaron.

Why, the people I love must leave.

My parents...

My brother....

My cousin....

Now Aaron ....

"Hey Alexander, you know you're cute?" Asks a drunk person. I look at her and see John.

"What do you want?" I ask.

Why does he act like this ??? He knows very well that I'm not in the mood.

He takes my hand and takes me away.

"What are you doing?" I ask in the end to be ignored by John.

He pushes me on a wall.

"Ouch! What are you doing? !! "I ask, shouting.

"I want to kiss you again," he said. I push him.

"You drank too much!" I said. He just smiles and gets closer to me.

"I love you," he said. I shake my head.

"No!" I say.


"Stop, I'm getting married to Aaron !!" I say.

"It will not happen because He will die."

Tears flow from my eyes.

"I .... I'm sorry, I .... I did not know what I di ...."

I give him a slap.

"Never again!!! Never again, you think of saying that again !!! "I say shouting.

He looks at me surprised and at the same time ashamed.

Tears continue to flow on my face.

"I'm sorry .... I ... did not mean that ..."

"But you said it !!!" I screamed.

I look at the ring that Aaron gave me.

"I'm sorry, but I do not want to see you anymore ... I could never forgive what you said," I said as I left.

I hear him crying, I ignore him.

I quickly tell Laf and Herc that I have to go back because I do not feel well.

I do not even know if they understood me.

I'm coming

I lie on my bed and try to forget what he said to me.

He will not die.

He will not die.

He must not die.

He must not die.

He must live.

He must live.

871 words

I Love You, But You? (Jeffmads/Hamburr) Part 2 [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now