I can not stand it anymore

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Alexander POV

I'm glad that James goes well ... but ...


"Sir, your fiancé is a hero," said the doctor. I look at him confused.

"I'll explain why his condition is so critical. There is a body that he has also hit. He protected a person to cushion the fall of it ... "

"Who is it?" I ask. He thought.

"I do not know, sir, sorry. But I can tell you the patient's room. He's also in critical condition, but ... less critical than ... "he said. I'm grimacing.

"Which room?" I ask.


I leave and look for room 284.

I found it quite quickly.

I gently open the door.

My eyes widen.


If James was not here, Aaron ....

Aaron and I will be married already.

It's his fault.

Aaron does not wake up, but James is alive.

He took Aaron's life.


My heart is tightening.

I do not sleep properly, I do not eat properly, I do not dress properly.

I am a terrible mess.

Tears flow from my eyes.

"Aaron !!!" I say, screaming. I'm crying.

Nobody to comfort me and even if someone does it ... Aaron is the only one to do it better than anyone.

I wipe my tears.

Without doing it on purpose, I look at my ring.

I now look at my wrist to see the bracelet.

"Aaron ... I said I'll wait ... but I can not do it ... be quick, please," I said.

The door opens.

"Alex, we are...Alex? How are you? "Asks Herc.

I look at them with tears in my eyes

"What's wrong, mon ami?" Laf said, getting closer to me. He makes me round on my back. It's calm me down a bit.

"I'm s.....so scared for Aaron," I said.

"I'm sure Aaron is fine, Alex. If James could wake up, I'm sure Aaron can do it, "Herc said.


I get up from the couch and put on my jacket.

"Alex ... what are you doing?" Asks Herc.

I do not answer and leave my house.

I'm going to the hospital

Thomas POV

Everyone had to leave to leave James with the doctors, I left reluctantly.

Alexander POV

I know where James's room is.

I see a family of five at the counter who are about to leave. I mix among them to reach his room.

I open the door. I see James on a hospital bed just like Aaron, but the difference is that he's awake.

"Uh ... Alexander?" Asks James.

"Yes, it's me," I said softly.

"Are you going to...."

"If you want to ask me a stupid question, I prefer to interrupt you," I said firmly.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"You," he looks at me surprised.

"Wh ... what?"

"Because of you, Aaron is in critical condition and he may not be able to wake up. And all that is your fault! If you were not on the bus with him; Aaron would still be alive! Everything is your fault! If Aaron does not wake up be sure I will never forgive you! "I say, taking out all my anger out of him.

He just looks at me.

"Aaron protected me. It is thanks to him that I am still alive. He saved my life, " he said. I frown.

"You came here to tell me that. Aaron would be disappointed if he saw you, "he said.

"Shut up!"

"You can not contain your suffering anymore, so you cry out on me," I said.

"Shut up! That's not it, "I say.

I look elsewhere.

Looks like .... Aaron ... He looks at me sadly and disappointed. He disappears immediately.

"You know I can clicked this button for the doctors to come?" Asks James showing me the button. I widen my eyes.

"You will..."

"No, because I know you suffer a lot and Aaron would not want that. Aaron is my friend and I miss him. I know you miss him a lot, but ... did you wonder if Aaron would be proud of you if you did that? "Asks James.

I look elsewhere shameful. He sighs

"I will not repeat to anyone what you just told me ... but know that if you want Aaron to come back, you must believe it," he said.

"I'm sorry ..." I said before closing the door and getting out of the hospital.

I take my phone and see 32 messages and 23 calls.


"Shit!!! Finally you answer !!! We were worried !!! "Herc said worried. I smile.

"Where are you?" He asks.

"Do not worry, I'll be home soon." And with that I hang up.

I go to the edge of the sand and look at the sky.

The same sky where Aaron asked me to marry. Royal blue with star that sparkles and offers a nice glow to watch. I smile.

It's like Aaron was with me. I put a hand on my chest.

"I love you Aaron."

Aaron POV


812 words

I Love You, But You? (Jeffmads/Hamburr) Part 2 [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now