Chapter 1: The Evil Twin

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With Henry and his class now all juniors in highschool, the St. Thomas Highschool staff takes their class to go visit colleges to begin their college search. They were at the University of St. Thomas. Dr. Steve did not come because he was too lazy to go. The gang is getting a tour of the college.

"Is it just me, or does this college seems very different then all the colleges we have visited?" Brady asked.

"Well, it is still college, right? It is unique, just like every other college," Henry responded.

"Good point."

"I think it is also because it is a Catholic college. There are not many of them!" Jack pointed out.

"That is also a good point."
"It's also quite a small campus too," Fran stated.

"Yeah, I was kind of expecting it to be a bit small," Leo said.


"I don't get why we are visiting colleges when we are only juniors! Why is recommended to start college search when we are only halfway with highschool?!" Dr. Steve asks himself.

"Hmm... Maybe I am thinking that because I am too lazy!" Dr. Steve then thought to himself.

Then, he realizes that he has an AP U.S. History packet to do and an AP English 3 essay to write.

"Ugh! I still have to do my History packet and my English essay!" He said.

Then, he gets an idea.

"Oh! I got it! I shall make a duplication machine so another me can do it for me!" Dr. Steve stated.

He then goes to the computer to look for blueprints. Eventually, he finds some and builds it. He was surprisingly able to finish it on his own very quickly. However, he then realizes that he needs another person to activate the machine. He ends up calling Dan.

"Hey Dan! I need you to come over here!" Dr. Steve said.

"But I am on a college tour!" Dan responded.

"Well screw the college tour and just get over here! You can tour the college some other time, right?"

"Yeah, I guess so. Fine, I will be over there in a few minutes."

A couple minutes later, Dan came over.

"Hello Dan! Don't worry, this will be quick!" Dr. Steve said.

"Alright, what is it I am doing?" Dan asked.

"So I made a duplication machine so I can duplicate myself. Obviously since I am the victim, I need someone to activate it for me!"

"Sounds cool! Let's do it!"

"I knew you would be interested once I start explaining!"

So Dr. Steve went into the machine, and Dan activated it. There were several errors listed, the machine began to shake rapidly, and red electricity came from it. Time froze for a minute. Eventually, it stopped doing all of it. The two pods opened, with the original Dr. Steve in one of them, and another one with red electricity around him in the other one. The original Dr. Steve came out and noticed the duplicate.

"It worked! It's alive!" Dr. Steve shouted in delight.

"Yeeeeesssss, I suppose it did," the duplicate said creepily.

"Did something...not work?" Dr. Steve asked.

Then the duplicate tackled him to the ground.

"No, because I am not a duplicate! Nowhere near it!" The duplicate then said.

Dan attempts to save Dr. Steve, but the duplicate ends up touching him, turning him into a Steve with red electricity around him.

"STEEEEEEEEEEVE!" The new Steve said.

"Oh no..." Dr. Steve said to himself.

"Now, new Steve, go outside and start infecting other people. Once you get some, return to what is now my lab!" The duplicate commanded

"Steeeeeve!" The Steve saluted as he went outside the lab.

"What are you going to do with me?" Dr. Steve asked.

"You shall be my prisoner!" The duplicate said.

"Henry and others, please save me soon..." Dr. Steve said to himself.

"And you know what, Dr. Steve is boring name! I will rename myself Dr. Stev, so we know the difference between ourselves!" Dr. Stev said.

"Hopefully they won't get mad at me for starting another Steve apocalypse," Dr. Steve said to himself again.

And so Dr. Stev pushed him over to his new prison, a tube made out of very strong glass!

"Why do I even have that?" Dr. Steve asked himself.

He can hear from outside that people are once again getting constantly infected by the Steves.

"I am going to be banned from my lab after this..." Dr. Steve said to himself.

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