Chapter 7: A Flayer and a Dragon

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"Where on earth are we even going? I can't even recognize where we are!" Luiangelo asked.

"We are trying to get to the city! There is a lot more Steves there than there is here in this forest!" Griffen explained.

"What is that giant monster anyways?" Aidan asked.

"The Mind-Flayer from Stranger Things! You have watched Stranger Things, right?" Henry asked.

"I have, but not all of it yet!"

"Well, spoiler alert, this thing is in it!"


"I wonder how all the girls are doing with their summer vacation..." Fran said.

"What summer vacation?" Henry asked.


Meanwhile, in the Bahamas, Madison, Sophia, Logan, Madelyn, Lindsey, and Emma all decided to take a summer trip to the Bahamas, even though school has already started for all of them.

"You know, swimming is actually quite nice, even though there is a blood moon!" Emma said.

"Of course you enjoy it since you love Halloween!" Madison responded.

"What, do you not like Halloween or something?"

"No, I do. It just seems weird to swim during a blood moon!"

"Why is there a blood moon anyways? The last I checked the moon forecast, there wasn't even supposed to be a blood moon!" Madelyn said.

"Well, there are events that happen unexpectedly, right?" Sophia asked.

"Yeah, I suppose so."

"Hey! I love unexpected events! I brings a twist towards life!" Logan stated.

"Good point. Although I do hope everyone else back in Houston are alright," Lindsey said.


"You know, that summer vacation to the Bahamas that the girls were going on to miss school for a bit?" Fran said.

"Oh yeeeaah. I think I saw that on someone's story or something. I wasn't sure where it was from though," Henry said.

"Yeah, they are at the Bahamas. My girlfriend told me about that."

The Mind Flayer keeps on getting closer.

"How close are we to the city?" Roman asked.

"We should be there in about ten minutes," Tommy responded.

They were able to speed up a little more, but they cannot outrun it.


"Ugh...ok. I'll try this one more time, if this doesn't work, then whatever!" Dr. Stev said.

"Ha! It definitely won't work!" Dr. Steve said.

"Oh, it sure will!"

"Yeah, just keep believing false beliefs!"

Dr. Stev tries for the last time. Instead of it completely failing, it keeps trying, but then nothing happens.

"See! I told you it would fail!" Dr. Steve said.

Then, they hear a loud roar.

"No, it didn't! Because I know a lot more than you!" Dr. Stev responded.

Dr. Stev heads outside to see the giant dragon.

"I demand you, Fell Dragon, Grima! Go find the people who are not Steves, and devour them!"

The dragon roars in response and goes out to find the remaining people still alive.


"Woah! What was that roar?!" Rory asked

"I don't know, but it does not sound like a good roar!" Henry responded.

Knowing that Hunter was on the very back of the motorcycle and Luiangelo being in front of him, Luiangelo realized that he did not feel Hunter anymore.

"Hey guys! Hunter is gone again!" Luiangelo said.

"Where did he go?" Griffen asked.

Then, they looked behind him and saw Hunter floating with red fire surrounding him. His eyes were also bright red. He then puts out one of his arms out, and a couple seconds later, a giant dragon appeared.

"I am the Fell Dragon...STEEEEEEEEEEVE!!" Hunter shouted as the possession turns him into a Steve.

The dragon then breathes a red, evil-looking breath. Luiangelo and Griffen barely got out of the way just in the nick of time. Unfortunately though, Rory and the motorcycle got burned into a crisp.

"Hey what's the expiration date on that?" Roman asked.

"Probably once we fix all of this, perhaps?" Aidan responded.

One of the Steves was running for his life from everything going on. He runs into Griffen, which turned him into a Steve.


But then, he faked it, for he actually had a machete and cut him down.

"And since when can the Steves run?" Roman asked as well.

"I'm okay!" Griffen then shouted.

"Hey! Is there any room for two people on that motorcycle?" Luiangelo asked the motorcycle that Brendan is driving.

Then, a Steve jumps out of a tree and sabotages that motorcycle. It attacks Evan and gets him infected.

"STEEEEEEEEEEEEVE!" Steve zombie Evan said.

"There's room for one!" Leo responded.

Luiangelo then get on.

"Well, you know what, I was known to be part-Steve, and I don't know why! Therefore, I should be able to take on the Steves!" Griffen says.

He then takes out a big bomb from his pocket and then runs up to Steves with the bomb.

"Hasta la vista, Steves!"

The bomb then explodes. He was somewhat okay, but then realizes something.

"Oh crud! I forgot about this dragon, the Mind-Flayer, the demogorgons slash demodogs, and the dinosaurs!"

He then ran for his life to try to escape them, but then unfortunately gets eaten by a tyrannosaurus rex.

"Are we there yet?" Aidan asked.

"Almost. We just have about five more miles," Tommy said.

"Five more?! We will probably lose another motorcycle within five miles!" Fran said.

"Well, we have been driving for about a good fifty miles already, so I think we should be fine."

"Oh okay."

About five miles later, they made it to another cliff.

"We're going off another cliff?!" I think I might be sick..." Henry said.

So they went off another cliff, and the city was among them.

Night of the Living Steves 3: The Research of StevesWhere stories live. Discover now