Chapter 13: Sand Alligators

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The remaining five (Henry, Aidan, Fran, Luiangelo, and Dr. Steve) have made it to the bayou. It still looked like a beach from a hurricane that happened about two years ago.

"Be careful, I have been warned that sand alligators live here," Henry stated.

"I don't think they are living beings..." Luinangelo said.

Of course, right after Luiangelo says that, a sand alligator appears right behind them, ready to eat someone.

"Well, I guess I was wrong..." Luiangelo stated.

"Run!" Fran said.

The five ran towards under the bridge. They seem to be safe for now.

"At least there are no Steves or monsters here, other than sand alligators..." Aidan said, trying to be optimistic.

"Yeah, that's true," Henry responded.

In the distance, they found the other Leo. He was just playing around in the sand and having fun.

"Why is he just playing in the sand? Doesn't he know that there are sand alligators here?" Luinangelo asked.

"Well, that's just Leo," Fran responded.

"Should we go warn him about it?"

"Yeah, probably should."

So the five head over there to warn him about this.

"Hey! Leo! Get out of here! There are sand alligators here!" Aidan shouted.

Of course, Leo just begins to laugh.

"Sand alligators? Ha! They are not living creatures!" He said.

"But they actually are..." Henry said.

Then, completely out of nowhere, a sand alligator attacks Leo and tackles him to the bayou.

"Well, we tried..." Henry said.

"Yup..." Aidan responded.

Then, they saw a fuel tank flow down the bayou.

"That's what we need! We need to get it fast before we get eaten by sand alligators!" Dr. Steve stated.

They began to chase it. As they made it under the bridge, Fran says.

"I'll be right back! You all keep going, and I will catch up!"

The other four nod in response. They found a small raft they can use to try to get it, so they use that. They looked behind them and noticed that Fran was actually peeing at the bayou. The four looked at him in disgust.

"Hey can you steer it a little more to the right?" Luiangelo asks Fran loudly.

Fran does that by turning the right a little to where they cannot see the pee.

"Thank you!" Luinangelo responded loudly with a thumbs up.

"Ugh! I can just almost reach it!" Dr. Steve said.

"Can we not paddle any faster?" Aidan asked.

"Nope! I am literally using all my strength!" Henry said.

Then, they saw Fran swimming on top of a sand alligator.

"How were you able to tame that gator?" Aidan asked.

"I gave him five bucks," Fran said.

"But...what can that sand alligator do with five bucks?"

"I don't sandcastle equipment, perhaps?"

"Can you even buy sand castle equipment with five bucks?"

"I don't think so...but I think five bucks and his scariness will buy him sandcastle equipment!"

"Fran, can you get your new pet to swim over to that fuel tank?" Dr. Steve asks.

"Yeah! Alright sand alligator, swim over to that fuel tank!" Fran said as the sand alligator did just that.

Fran got the fuel tank and they all headed ashore

"Thanks for the ride!" Fran said as he waved at the sand alligator.

"Alright. Where is the last piece?" Henry asked.

"The last piece, the inverse particles, are at the Bellaire Broiler Burger!" Dr. Steve said.

"I know that place by heart! Let us go get the last piece!" Henry said.

And so the five headed towards the Bellaire Broiler Burger.

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