Chapter 6: The Triple Cycles

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"Well, this demogorgon seems cooked to me!" Roman said.

"Alright. Which brave soul will try it?" Henry asked the group.

"I nominate Fran to try it!" Rory said.

"Yeah, Fran seems like a good person to nominate!" Leo said.

Fran tried eating it, but ended up puking it all out a few seconds later.

"We should probably head inside before some monster or Steve finds us," Aidan said.

So they headed inside and discussed on what to do next.


"The...Mind-Flayer?" Dr. Steve questioned Dr. Stev.

"You know, from Stranger Things?" Dr. Stev said.

"I told you! I don't watch Stranger Things!" Dr. Steve stated.

"Now, Mind-Flayer! Go out there and kill some more people!" Dr. Stev commanded it.

"I think at this point everyone has turned into a Steve or is eaten alive..." Dr. Steve said.

"Well, according to this radar, that is not true!" Dr. Stev said.

"Ah, that's probably my friends! They are probably still normal!" Dr. Steve said.

"Ugh! Why are they still alive?!" Dr. Stev was now enraged.

"Because they are smart and know how to deal with this, and eventually, they will somehow end you!"



The eight of them all had no clue what to do next, so they just decided to hang out. They found a video game to play and a Nintendo Switch to play it on, the game was called Night of the Living Steves 3: The Research of Steves. Rory and Fran decided to go jogging for practice of their respective sports.

"Wow! You got the perfect ending!" Aidan stated.

"Yeah how are you so good at this game?" Evan asked.

"Well it's simply called not killing or Steving anyone!" Henry responded.

Then, Fran and Rory come back from their jog with someone familiar.

"Well, you're definitely looking like a true survivalist!" Roman said.

"Oh thanks. I just got bit by a few pterodactyls, but it's all good!" Luiangelo responded.

They then heard rumbles on the wall. A tentacle breaks into the building. They attempted to escape, but another tentacle breaks into their escape.

"How are we going to escape?" Hunter asked.

"I don't know. I don't see any escape!" Evan stated.

The roof breaks from above. They saw the head of the monster that is trying to attack them.

"You've got to be kidding me..." Henry said.

"Now this too?" Fran asked himself.

Then, they heard three motorcycles. They drove in through the building.

"I'm Tommy!"

"I'm Brendan!"

"And I'm Griffen!"

"And we are the Triple Cycles!" The three said altogether.

"Triple Cycles? I never even heard of that!" Fran said.

"Well, the name kind of says it, right? Three motorcycles and three people..." Griffin said.

"No I still don't get it..."

"Let's just go. Franny never gets anything!" Roman said.

Henry, Aidan, and Fran went with Tommy; Rory, Hunter, and Luiangelo went with Griffin; and Roman, Evan, and Leo went with Brendan. The main building of the camp place looked completely battered due to the intruders and the unexpected rescue of the Triple Cycles.

"Ok where are we going? Because we will clearly either get Steved or get eaten alive if we go anywhere!" Aidan said.

"I actually don't know! Where are we going?" Brendan asked.

"Umm guys, I think there are some Steves right ahead of us!" Leo stated, pointing ahead.

"Don't worry, I got this! I practiced doing this before the badass rescue!"

Griffen then goes at maximum speed. He goes so fast that the Steves were unprepared to get ran over by the motorcycle.

"Woah! How did you do that?!" Rory was surprised.

"It's called professional motorcycling skills!" Griffen responded.

They were now about to reach a cliff, that doesn't stop them from going. They didn't even turn around.

"Uhm...we are about to go off a cliff!" Hunter said.

"Prepare yourselves! Because we are about to go airborne!" Tommy announced.

"But what do we do if we are afraid of heights?" Henry asked.

"Don't worry! The ground won't kill you!" Brendan said.

Then they went off. As they were going off, they realized that there was a hoard of Steves below them. Upon realizing that, Brendan gets himself and everyone else off his motorcycle. He, with the help of Roman, Evan, and Leo, threw the motorcycle as hard as they can towards the crowd of Steves. They were able to knock out every single Steve.

"Woah! That was cool!" Aidan said as they got to the ground.

"And even better, we outran that giant monster! It can't even get to us!" Luiangelo pointed to the monster.

But then, right after Luiangelo said that, it did a massive jump from the cliff to roughly about where they were standing.

"Oh, maybe I shouldn't have said that..."

"Where did our motorcycle go?" Leo asked.

The four of them who threw that motorcycle were looking for it. Roman eventually finds it.

"Here it is! But it is completely busted!" Roman stated.

"BLACKSMITH FORCE!" They all heard a random voice.

Then, completely out of nowhere, a group a blacksmiths appeared. A guy named Evan was the leader.

"Don't worry, we can fix it," Evan said.

The blacksmiths then summoned an anvil and hammered it a couple of times. After that, it was somehow fixed.

"And there we go, simple as that."

"Thank you good sir! What do I need to pay you?" Brendan asked.

"Nothing. We enjoy our job way too much that we don't need money!" Evan responded.

"BLACKSMITH FOR--" The voice said as they were about to mysteriously head out, but they all got eaten by the giant monster.

"Don't worry! We'll fix this!" Roman shouted at them.

"I know you will!" Evan shouted back as the rest of his body gets eaten.

Then, they got back on their motorcycles to continue their epic escape.

Night of the Living Steves 3: The Research of StevesWhere stories live. Discover now