Chapter 10: Inverted Plan

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The seven remaining (Henry, Fran, Aidan, Leo, Luiangelo, Robert, and Vince) and Dr. Steve all found a fairly tall hotel to hide in from all the Steves and monsters for now. Of course, this hiding place won't be a good place for long.

"Okay. I think this is good for now. So what is your idea, Dr. Steve?" Robert asked.

"There is a device I made, and it is called The Inverserator. As the name suggests, it will inverse the effect of something on a human being. Knowing that Dr. Stev has the effect of taking less damage the more Steves there are, this can invert it to where he takes more damage the more Steves there are," Dr. Steve explained.

"...And do you have it with you?" Luiangelo asked.

"Unfortunately not. It is over in my lab, and I wouldn't be surprised if that is destroyed by now."

"Well, it is the only chance we have," Aidan stated.

"Yeah, but there is no way we will get there. There Steves and monsters in there. Not even Dr. Steve will be able to it through despite his immunity," Fran explained.

"Okay, is there any other options? I'm open to suggestions!" Henry asked everyone.

"...Wait! I got something! Dr. Steve, is it possible that you still have the blueprints of it somewhere?" Leo asked.

"No...but if there is still a working computer here...then maybe," Dr. Steve said while thinking about that.

They all looked around for any computer in the hotel. They were luckily able to find one that is still in perfect shape, which is very fortunate for them. Dr. Steve rushed to the computer, signed in, and pulled up the blueprints he downloaded.

"Great! Now is there a printer in here?" Vince asked.

"It's over here, you idiot!" Robert said.

"No, you're the idiot!" Vince said as they jokingly argued debating on who is "the idiot" for a bit.

Dr. Steve then tries printing it out, but nothing happens. Leo goes in to check the printer, but then realizes something.

"Hey guys, there is no paper!" Leo stated.

"Wow, the one time when desperately need paper, there isn't any!" Dr. Steve said.

"Are there any other printers or paper stores nearby?" Luiangelo asked.

Everyone looked around the area and could not find anything.

"There is literally no other printer and there is no paper around here," Henry said.

"Now what do we do? How are we going to know what pieces we need for this 'Inverserator'?" Aidan asked.

Dr. Steve realized that there may be no paper, but there are still maps here that they can use.

"Okay, who is the best artist in here?" Dr. Steve then asks the group.

Fran, Aidan, Henry, and Vince all pointed at Robert, Leo and Luiangelo pointed at Henry, and Robert just pointed himself.

"Well, majority rules, Robert wins. You need to draw me the blueprints from the computer using the back of this map!" Dr. Steve stated as he gave Robert a map.

"...Very well," Robert responded as he got to it.

They waited for Robert to finish drawing the blueprints. But then...

"Hey guys, I think there some Steves and monsters coming our way," Aidan said.

"Alright Robert, you need to draw faster!" Vince stated.

"I am trying to, but I am also taking my time!" Robert responded.

A couple of demodogs broke into the hotel, they began to slowly approach them.

"Now's the time. We got to go!" Luiangelo stated.

Fran took out his phone and took a picture of the computer with the blueprints.

"There. Now you can do it on the run," He said.

"Quick! To the elevators!" Leo pointed to the elevators.

"I don't think the elevators will work. I don't believe that there is power left!" Vince said.

"Well, if that computer works, then one of the elevators have to work!" Leo responded.

"How do you know that? Did you like predict the future or something?" Luiangelo asked.

"Yeah, maybe..." Leo responded

They then made it to the elevators. Fran pushed the up button and they waited. The demodogs and a few demogorgons followed them. Everyone found some sort of weapon to try to beat them up. Luiangelo used a mop, Leo was using a bucket, Vince threw some bananas, Aidan was doing martial arts, Henry was throwing some books, and Dr. Steve was throwing some spare potions that he had. Robert was drawing, and Fran had his phone out to show him the blueprints.

"C'mon elevator! We don't have all night!" Henry said.

Then, one of the demodogs tackle Aidan. The demodogs begin to try eating him, but fortunately, through the power of his martial arts, he was able to counterattack the demodogs and got back up perfectly fine. He had a few small bites though.

"I'm okay!" Aidan says.

Then, after so much attacking, Leo's bucket ends up breaking. Since Leo was open without a weapon, all the demogorgons and demodogs all went for Leo and began eating him limb from limb. Dr. Steve tries to go save him, but he was already done for within a few seconds.

Finally and luckily, on of the elevators opens up. With the demogorgons and demodogs being distracted from eating up Leo, the remaining seven head to the open elevator.

Night of the Living Steves 3: The Research of StevesWhere stories live. Discover now