Chapter 2: The Blood Moon

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Back at UST, the tour of the college is still going on.

"So is anyone interested in going to this college?" Roman felt like asking everyone.

Some people said maybe, others said probably not.

"May I use the restroom?" Hunter asks are they were about to get to their next destination.

One of the tour guides guided him to a restroom, which was quite the distance from where everyone else is currently. They continued walking and Henry stopped for a minute.

"Are you alright?" Aidan asked.

"...Yeah. I just thought I heard something familiar," Henry responded.

The two of them then caught up to the rest of the gang and continued onward.


"So what are you going to do?" Dr. Steve asked Dr. Stev

"Answer me this, if you were evil, what would you do?" Dr. Stev asked back.

"Well, I would purposely start this Steve apocalypse, maybe take over the world, and...I dunno. I never really have been 'evil' before, so I'm really not sure."

"So there's your answer."


"Oh, I should make this whole event even cooler!" Dr. Stev says as he pulls out a moon rock with blood on it

"What is that?"

"It's the Bloodstone! Now, I shall make this more cooler!"

Dr. Stev raises the Bloodstone up. Eventually, a text appears above the stone saying, "The Blood Moon is rising..."


"Look! The sky is red!" Evan said.

"I wonder why. It is still daytime, right?" Henry asked.

Roman then looks at his watch, and is shocked about the time.

"No! It's 7 PM!" Roman said.

"I thought it was like 2 PM! Did time just skip or something?!" Rory was flustered.

"And I just realized, Hunter still has not returned from the restroom..." Aidan said.

"Yeah, and he has been gone for about 15 minutes..." Jack said.

"Well, he always takes a while in the restroom," Leo stated.

"Yeah, but still," Aidan said.

"Alright, how about some of y'all go find your friend!" One of the tour guides said.

"Sure! I'll go! Some of y'all go with me!" Henry said.

So him, Fran, Leo, Evan, and Roman begin their hunt to find Hunter.


About 10-15 Steves have returned to Dr. Steve's (which is apparently now Dr. Stev's) lab.

"Perfect! Just enough Steves I needed!" Dr. Stev said.

"What are you going to do now?" Dr. Steve asked.

"Well, why don't you just wait and find out?"

So Dr. Steve waits. It turns out that they seem to be making the most deadliest creatures...

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