Chapter 15: Lethality

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The remaining four (Henry, Fran, Aidan, and Dr. Steve) have made it to Dr. Steve's lab. They can see Dr. Stev sitting on a throne on top of the lab. They can see four teslas up there too. They climbed up to the top of the lab. Right as they made it, Dr. Stev got up from the throne.

"So you all have finally decided to go against me..." Dr. Stev greeted.

"Yes we have! This time we are going to get rid of you for sure!" Dr. Steve said.

"And how would you?"

"That is for the real me to know, and the fake me to find out!"

"Ha! Like that will happen! There are way too many Steves for me to be defeated! Besides, these teslas summon monsters for me! So you will all die before any of you will get to me!"

"Well, as they always say, the good guys always win!" Henry said.

"Yeah! Treat this as your punishment for doing all of this!" Fran added.

"All of this will be the last thing you will see!" Aidan said.

"And all of that is not true! Dr. Steve was the one who summoned me here in the first place! Why don't you get mad at him?!" Dr. Stev asked.

"Because we trust Dr. Steve more than you!" Henry said.

"Hmph! I shall mark how untrue that is by taking you all down!" Dr. Stev said.

"Let the battle of Steve..." Dr. Steve began.

"...Begin!" Dr. Stev finished.

"So what's the plan?" Henry whispered.

"One of us each go for each of the teslas, as that seems to be the obstacle we need to go through before we can attack Dr. Stev," Dr. Steve explained.

"And so after we destroy those four teslas, you fire the inverserator at him, and then we attack him to finish the job?" Fran asked.

"That is 100% correct!" Dr. Steve responded.

So Dr. Steve went against the tesla that is summoning Steves, Fran went for the tesla that is summoning demogorgons and demodogs, and Henry went for the tesla that is summoning other monsters such as hamburgers. Dr. Steve and Henry were able to destroy their respective teslas easily due to the blasters they had. However, since Fran and Aidan were going melee, it was harder for them. Aidan had to take down a raptor, and he was struggling a bit. Then all the sudden, a guy in some sort of karate suit showed up.

"Hi there!" He said.

"Oh look! It's Jhosua!" Fran stated.

"Yup!" He responded.

Then, he had his hands out in some sort of karate stance, as if he was throwing a rugby ball.

"Hadouken!" Jhosua said as some sort of energy ball came out of his hands.

The energy ball was able to destroy the dinosaur tesla. Now it is just the demogorgon tesla left.

"Thanks Jhosua!" Aidan praised.

"It's a pleasure!' He responded.

But then, the raptor that Aidan was fighting unexpectedly sneaks behind Jhosua and eats him.

"Nooooo!" Fran shouted.

"C'mon! Let's continue onward!" Henry said.

"But we still got the demogorgon tesla to destroy!" Fran said.

"Then destroy and then continue onward!" Henry responded.

Fran was thinking of a way to destroy the tesla without getting eaten by the demogorgon that is trying to.

Night of the Living Steves 3: The Research of StevesWhere stories live. Discover now