Chapter 5: A Place Unknown

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"What's next?" Rory asked.

Demodogs were breaking in from every entrance. There is no escape. Besides, if there was, then there was no way they could outrun them, since they are incredibly fast.

"There are too many demodogs to come up with something!" Evan said.

Then, a tyrannosaurus rex puts a mouth on the bus and began chewing the bus. Another one came by and started eating the demodogs. Eventually, the ten fell to the ground. One of the rexes see them and try to attack. Before they had the chance to run, the rex picks Jack up with his mouth and eats him whole. In the rex, Jack saw someone familiar.

"Oh, hi Michael," Jack said.

"Hello Jack," Michael responded.

Back outside, the now nine of them began to run. They eventually found a cave and hid there. Thankfully, they got away from the rex. The rex attempted to get in and try to eat some of them, but the cave was too small for its head, so it gave up and walked away.

"Now what do we do?" Fran asked.

"I'm not sure. That t-rex is probably still nearby so going out there may not be the best situation right now," Leo stated.

"Well, we are going to starve if we don't do something!" Henry said.

"I'll look outside to see if anything is nearby," Brady said.

"I'll go too!" Aidan said as he followed.

Right after Aidan and Brady go out to investigate, Hunter falls to the ground, and breathing kind of heavily from the venom he got earlier.


"Oh come on! Why does summoning this have to be so hard?" Dr. Stev asked himself.

"Maybe because you have gone too mad to summon whatever you are trying to summon next!" Dr. Steve suggested.

"I did not ask for your input!" Dr. Stev said.


"Are you alright?" Fran asked Hunter.

"I think so. I believe it is just the venom," Hunter said.

"Just the venom?! That doesn't sound good!" Rory said.

Then Evan notices something on Hunter's bite. It seemed to be flashing some symbol every now and then.

"Leo, are you sure that Hunter got bit by a velociraptor?" Evan asked him.

"I mean, it looked a lot like one! Why do you ask?" Leo was curious.

"Well, every now and then, there seems to be a head from what it looks like some sort of dragon. Maybe it is from some sort of video game or something, but if it is, then it is not one that I can recall!" Evan explained.

Everyone else except for Hunter walked around to look at the bite and noticed what Evan is talking about.

"Wait! I know that dragon! I play that video game!" Henry stated.

"What is it then?" Evan asked.

"It's the fell dragon, Grima! It is from the game of Fire Emblem Awakening!" Henry explained.

"Is there anything else you know about it?" Fran asked.

"I haven't played through the whole game yet so I don't know everything about it, but, I believe it can take over someone's body as its other form. So in conclusion, I believe the Steves are trying to summon this dragon, and once they succeed in doing so, the dragon may try to take over Hunter completely!"

"So what about that raptor that bit Hunter then?" Roman asked.

"It must have been a new type of raptor that the Steves created. I guess we'll just call it a grimasoraptor!" Henry said.

Then, only Aidan comes back into the cave, but no Brady.

"Where's Brady?" Evan asked.

"He got eaten by demodogs!" Aidan said.

All of them gasped at that.

Aidan then explained, "I found some shelter we can hide in, but we have to move fast before they find us!"

The now eight of them ran out of the cave. They passed by Brady getting eaten by several demodogs.

"Now that's disgusting!" Leo said.

"Less talking, more running!" Aidan said.

Then, a demogorgon heard that and began chasing them. They ran even faster and sooner than later, they made it to the shelter. The place seemed quite familiar to them, even though they had never been there. But before they were able to look around the place, they had a demogorgon to take care of.

"Outta my way!" Roman said as he was carrying a somewhat heavy table.

Everyone move out of the way. The demogorgon was quite confused on what was going on.

"I'm a chuckster!" Roman said as he chucked the table across the room and at the demogorgon.

The demogorgon fainted. Rory goes over to check if it is truly knocked out, and it is.

"I saw a campfire outside. Is anyone up for a bonfire?" Fran asked.

"...Sure, why not?" Henry said.

And so the eight of them celebrated knocking out a demogorgon with a bonfire, with it being the "meat".


"Ugh, I still can't summon it!" Dr. Stev said to himself.

"I'm telling, you have gone too mad to summon it!" Dr. Steve said.

"Shut up!"

"Hey, I'm just trying to start a conversation, I have nothing else to do while I'm your prisoner!"

"Well, I now have a better idea! I'll come back to it later..."

"Thank goodness..."

"...and just summon something else!"


Dr. Stev pulls up what it is from his hacked computer. He then summons it. Unfortunately, it was successful on the first try.

"Behold! The Mind-Flayer!" Dr. Stev revealed to Dr. Steve.

Night of the Living Steves 3: The Research of StevesWhere stories live. Discover now