Chapter 14: Hamburger Surprise

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Henry, Fran, Aidan, Luiangelo, and Dr. Steve have now made it to the Bellaire Broiler Burger.

"So where exactly are these inverse particles?" Henry asked Dr. Steve.

"Hmm..." Dr. Steve says as he begins the look, "...Well, this will be interesting. They are in the girls' bathroom!" Dr. Steve then says.

"The girls bathroom?! How are going to go get them then?" Aidan asked.

"We just walk in and vacuum them up! There is no one around to stop us...other than Steves and monsters" Dr. Steve said.

"But...walking in there would still be weird..." Aidan said.

"Well, someone can disguise as a woman and go in there," Luiangelo suggested.

"Yeah, no," Aidan said.

"Or we could another extra who-knows-how-much more walking to find more," Henry said.

"No thanks! L-let's just go with the plan!" Aidan said, a bit freaked out.

"Iverse particles like to hang out in...unexpected places, because they try to invert the expected places for things like this to be," Dr. Steve explained.

"So is that why they are in the girls' bathroom?" Fran asked.

"Precisely!" Dr. Steve responded

They walked into the Bellaire Broiler Burger. Fortunately, no one was there.

"Well what do you know, nobody is here!" Fran stated.

"Yeah, but let us proceed cautiously," Henry said.

So they did that and made it into the women's restroom. Fran and Luiangelo were outside watching for monsters. Dr. Steve got out his vacuum cleaner and began sucking up the inverse particles. It seems that a monster heard it. Fran comes into the women's restroom.

"Uhm, there is a living burger outside," Fran stated.

Luiangelo then comes in the add:

"And it's man-eating!"

The living burger then grabbed Luiangelo from the mouth to the legs. Henry, Fran, and Aidan ran over to Luiangelo to try to save him, but it was too late, He got eaten by a hamburger.

"Perhaps we should have taken some Tums medications," Henry said.

"You know that they only give you heartburn relief, right?" Fran said.

"Don't they say in the commercials that it will stop food fighting against you?"

"Well...let's just change the subject..."

"Okay! I'm done! What did I miss?" Dr. Steve asks as he catches up to them.

"That," Henry pointed to the man-eating hamburger.

Then, Dr. Steve notices that there is no Luiangelo.

"And where is Luiangelo?" He asked.

"His corpse is in there," Aidan pointed to the burger as well.

"Well that's just lovely."

"So you got the stuff?" Fran asked.

"Indeed I do! Here is the fully-finished Inverserator!" Dr. Steve said as he pulled it out of his pocket.

"Awesome! Now we can stop Dr. Stev?" Henry asked.


"But what are going to do to attack him or perhaps weaken him?" Fran asked.

"We can--"

"The burger is getting a lot closer! We need to get out of here now!" Aidan said as he interrupted Dr. Steve.

"Out we go then! But how?" Fran asked.

"Follow me. I got an idea!" Aidan said.

"Wait, no! I got this! I might as well show off this bad boy!" Dr. Steve said as he fired his Inverserator as the hamburger.

The hamburger then turned back into a regular burger.

"Anyone hungry?" Dr. Steve asked.

"Sure. I'll eat it," Fran said as he went to go eat it.

Fran ate it, and showed a little bit of disgust.

"It tasted a bit funny, but it was still an okay burger!" Fran said.

"Maybe it might be because of Luiangelo getting eaten by it," Henry said.

"Could be."

Then, they heard a roar.

"That roar sounds familiar..." Aidan said.

They headed outside and saw that it was the Fell Dragon, Grima!

"He found us..." Henry said.

Right as the dragon unleashed its breath, they hid behind the Bellaire Broiler Burger sign in just the nick of time.

"So now what?" Aidan asked.

"We need to get to my lab and take down Dr. Stev. We have the Inverserator ready to go!" Dr. Steve said.

"Yeah but should we have some sort of weaponry as well in order to help?" Aidan asked.

"Well, what weapons do y'all have?" Dr. Steve asked.

"I have this random baseball bat," Aidan said.

"I can tackle stuff," Fran said.

"And I...have this random rocket launcher I found back at the hotel," Henry said.

"Well, alright then. Let's head to my lab and teach this very evil me a lesson!" Dr. Steve stated.

And so, the four of them headed towards Dr. Steve's lab.

Night of the Living Steves 3: The Research of StevesWhere stories live. Discover now