Chapter 4: The Bus

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"How are we going to get out of here? There is no way we can outrun everything that is after us!" Rory stated.

"Well, maybe you can since you do cross country and track, but I don't know about the rest of us!" Fran said.

"You're not helping!"

"Look! Let's get on that bus over there!" Henry said.

And so the ten of them got on the bus.


"You ready for EBN?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah I am!" Tony said

"It will be easy!" Benito said.

And so they were just about to broadcast EBN for the breaking news.


"While I make more of these dangerous creatures, I shall and turn on the TV! And what a surprise! There is breaking news from EBN!" Dr. Stev said.

"Pfft..." Dr. Steve said to himself.


"Is anyone on here?" The bus driver asked as he was getting on the bus.

"Yeah! And drive us out of here!" Fran said.

"Certainly!" The bus driver said.

But once the bus driver was about to go drive the bus, a raptor creeps up and eats the bus driver and drags him out of the bus. Aidan goes up and closes the bus door.

"Great, so who will drive the bus now?" Rory asked.

"Does anyone have a driver's licence?" Henry asked.

"I do!" Brady said.

"Then drive the bus!" Henry said.

Brady immediately got to the front of the bus and began driving it. He also had other controls at the front, so he turned on the TV. There was breaking news from EBN.

"Breaking news! We don't just have a life or Steve situation, but we now have a life, Steve, or death situation!" Tommy said on TV.

"Wait there are Steves as well?" Fran asked.

"Yep. We found some when we came to save you six!" Aidan stated.

"In other words, another Steve apocalypse has happened and they have created deadly creatures, such as dinosaurs and demogorgons...and demodogs!" Benito said on TV.

"Demodogs?" Evan was confused.

Right as Evan said that, they saw a couple of demodogs chasing them!

"Drive faster, Brady!" Aidan said.

"Going as fast as I can!" Brady responded.

"We now go to Alex Kinsel who is observing the big situation!" Tommy said on TV.

"Thank you Tommy and Benito! I'm viewing this magnificent part of town and it just makes this town a lot more red with blood moon and the red electricity around all of these...amazing creatures!" Alex said on TV.

Then, a Steve comes right by him.

"What's your opinion on this, bloody Steve?" Alex asked the Steve.

"STEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVE!" The Steve said as it touched him.

"Thanks for your STEEEEEEEEEEEEEVE!" Alex said as he turned into a Steve.

"Thanks...Alex. How about the weather forecast?" Tommy said on TV. Benito has ran off to figure out what is going on.

"Thank you Tommy. There is constant blood moon. The sky is red, but clear. There may be a slight chance of some sort of blood storm, but that is about it. Let's now go to tra--STEEEEEEEEEEEVE!" Tony explained as a Steve fell on him and touched him to turn into a Steve.

"Thank you Tony--I mean Steve. The traffic is really bad with Steves, dinosaurs, demogorgons, and demodogs!" Luiangelo explained.

"Don't go into the streets unless you are interested in becoming a Steve or even maybe dead meat!" Michael stated.

"You know, I really wonder how all of these Steve apocalypses start, because this is the third time something like has happened, right?"

"Yeah I believe so..."

Then, a somewhat large pterodactyl attacks the helicopter. Michael and Luiangelo both fall off the helicopter. Michael lands in the mouth of a tyrannosaurus rex, and the pterodactyl catches Luiangelo and starts biting him.

"Back to you Tooooommmmmmmy!" Luiangelo shouted as he was falling into a pool that the pterodactyl dropped him in.

The camera then returns to the main studio with Tommy, Benito running around, and a few Steves.

"Finally this evening, we would like to wish a happy birthday to STEEEEEEEEEVE!" Tommy said as he got touched and turned into a Steve.

"Today is STEEEEEEEEEEEVE!" Benito said as he got touched and turned into a Steve as well.

Then, a Steve picks up the camera, and throws it across the studio, breaking the camera.

Back to the demodogs chasing Henry, Fran, Aidan, Roman, Evan, Brady, Leo, Hunter, Jack, and Rory, the demodogs were now right next to them. They found a few guns that a few cops must have dropped from the bloody monsters.

"Shoot, slam, or bail?" Henry asked.

"Shoot!" Fran said.

So everyone was able to get a gun, even Brady who was still driving the bus, and they began shooting at the demodogs. They were able to take out about half of them, but then the bus crashes into a tree.

"Eyes on the road, man!" Leo said to Brady.

"Hey, Fran said to shoot, so we all began to shoot the demodogs!" Brady said.

"Hey guys, what do we do now? The demodogs are trying to attack us!" Hunter said as the demodogs are trying to break into the bus.

"I don't know! I'm out of options!" Aidan said.

The ten were panicking on how they will survive from this.

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