Chapter 3: The Hunt for the Missing Friend

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"Hunter! Where are you?" Fran shouted.

"If you show your face now, I will give you free gummy bears!" Roman said.

Still, no Hunter.

"Do any of y'all know where the restrooms are in this school?" Leo asked.

"Nope, but I'm sure we'll find them eventually, right?" Henry asked.

"Yeah, I guess so," Leo responded.


"What is that?!" Dr. Steve asked.

"It's a demogorgon! Don't you know from Stranger Things?" Dr. Stev asked.

"No, I don't watch it! And you shouldn't have either, since you are me!"

"Well, I just looked up these monsters so..."

"STEEEEEEEEEEEEVE!" A Steve commanded the demogorgon to go kill some people.

The demogorgon leaves the lab. What they seem to be making next are creatures that were extinct millions and millions years ago...


"I will give you the greatest memes in the world if you come out right now!" Fran shouted

Once again, no response of Hunter.

"What if Hunter just went home and used the restroom there?" Evan asked.

"I don't think he would do that. He lives quite far away!" Leo stated.

Then, they hear a familiar screeching roar...well, some of them recognized it.

"Is that a roar I think it is?" Fran whisperly asked Henry.

"I think so," Henry whispered back.

They heard from around the corner. They slowly walked around the corner. Fran and Henry's predictions were was indeed a demogorgon! They thought for a second that the demogorgon was eating Hunter, but it turns out that it was just a UST tour guide that looked like Hunter, but the tour guide was just bigger and more muscular than Hunter. After looking at it for too long, the demogorgon turned around and spotted them. They ran as fast as they can with the demogorgon chasing them. Luckily, they found a stairway to the basement of the college. They found a glass door and closed it on the demogorgon.

"Someone! Find something to block the door with! I can't hold it for much longer!" Fran said.

"There isn't much stuff we can use here! Unless you want to block it with a toilet to make this place smell worse!" Henry said.

"Unless the rug we are standing on will be enough to block the door!" Leo said.

"Why is there a rug by the restrooms?" Evan asked.

"I don't know! I didn't make this place!" Leo stated.

Then, Roman throws a couch in front of the door to block it. Fran dodged the couch throw in just the nick of time.

"Why did you almost crush me with a couch?" Fran asked Roman.

"'Cause I felt like it," Roman responded.

Then, they hear a toilet flushing. They immediately ran into the restroom, looking for Hunter, but no one was there.

"I could've sworn I heard a toilet flushing!" Fran stated.

"Guys, why are y'all in the girls restroom?" A familiar voice asked. The five turned around and noticed that it was Hunter!

"Well, both of the restroom doors were open, and I suppose the signs were on the door, but we were too lazy to look at the signs!" Roman explained.

Then, what it seems to be a raptor, tackles Hunter. They looked around for something they could use, then Roman had no choice but to...

"Sorry guys, but this place is going to get even more gross," Roman said as he picked up a toilet.

"Cover your eyes, Hunter!" Henry shouted over to Hunter as Roman threw the toilet at the raptor.

The raptor fainted. Hunter seemed to be okay for the most part.

"Are you alright?" Fran asked Hunter.

"Yes and no... I don't seem to have bites or scratches, but I still hurt," Hunter stated.

Leo looks at the knocked out raptor.

"Wait...that wasn't just any was a velociraptor!" Leo stated.

"Well, that explains the venom," Hunter said.

Then, the demogorgon was finally able to break into the glass door. It was coming right towards them.

"Roman is there anything else you can throw?" Henry asked.

"Nope. My muscles are too exhausted!" Roman responded.

As it was coming right towards them and was about to eat Evan, they heard...

"Jack attack!" Jack said as he was launched out of cannon and smashed into the demogorgon.

Then, the six saw Aidan, Brady, and Rory outside of the room, as they were the ones the launched Jack out of the cannon.

"Where did you get the cannon?" Evan asked.

"I found it," Aidan responded.

"Less talking, more running! We need to get out of here!" Brady stated.

And so the now ten of them ran for their lives to escape UST.

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