1. You just pity me

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First day in the new school was boring for Eunsang. The usual long hours of endless classes. Nothing special happened except something that was bugging on his mind right after it happened.

It was when some boys started ganging up on a boy in class during recess because he didn't complete the homeworks the boys forced him to do. The boy was someone who people usually would term as a nerd.


"Didn't we tell you to complete it by today? How are we going to make excuse to the teacher?!" one of them, a tall one said.

The poor boy looked scared and was looking down all the time while the bullies were raising their voice on him. One of them hit the boy on his head repeatedly by cursing at him.

Eunsang got frustrated with how no one was helping the boy and was ready to stop them himself when the tall boy squeaked in pain as something hit on his head and fell on the floor.

The class went quiet and looked over to the guy who threw the book which hit the tall bully's head.

"Keep it down. It's fucking annoying," he said darkly and went back to sleep again.

Eunsang stared at the boy who's been sleeping at the corner of the class since the start, turning his head away from people. He sat at his right row today and was wondering why he kept sleeping even during class and no one said anything but he shook it off and focused on the lecture.

The bullies scoffed and walked away and the class started murmuring again and back to their chit chats.

Eunsang wondered why the corner boy had so much effect in shooing them all away. He couldn't see his face before but now that he just saw it, he kind of thought that he was probably one of those popular delinquents and that was why.

He rushed over to the nerdy boy who just got bullied.

"Hey, you alright?"

The boy nodded as he picked up the book that was thrown on the floor. He looked up at Eunsang and gave the book to him.

"I-I'm alright."

"Do they always do this? Make you do their homework?" Eunsang asked and he nodded timidly.

"What?! And no one says anything or help you? Even the teachers?"

The boy looked alarmed, eyes widened and quickly told him to not get involved or tell the teachers about it but Eunsang just didn't know why and he got so annoyed by it.

"T-Thank you for looking out for me. Um..."


"Can you please keep this book back on his table?" He said to Eunsang looking over at the corner boy's way but the other was turning towards the wall sleeping.


"Don't talk to him. Just keep it on his table. Thank you" The boy said and rushed quickly out of the room. The classroom was quiet, everyone went out.

Eunsang walked over to the corner and tried to look at the boy's face but he couldn't see it. He was curious to why the other said not to talk with him. He cleared his throat trying to gain attention but it was no use. He cleared it again loudly but either it was ignored or the guy was really sleeping.

He was going to just leave it there but for some reason, he wanted to try one last time and tapped on the shoulder of the other.

" Hey" He still didn't respond, Eunsang was kind of sure the other heard him but was purposely ignored which made him want to really disturb his 'sleep'. He tapped harder on the other, "Hey, excuse m-"

Every Bits Of You 【JunhoXEunsang】Where stories live. Discover now