14. Again? And again?

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"So, you have a free day today?"

"Yeah, the manager and his family has to go somewhere for a week. And the other one..., I got fired. lol"

Junho whiped his head towards Eunsang, "You got fired?"

"That's what I said." Eunsang answered as they walk up the stairs to their apartment.

"How? Why?"

"He needed just one employee and this nephew of his came in suddenly saying he needed to work."

"You got kicked out just like that?" Junho asked as they the front door and Eunsang took out the keys to open it.


"Oh! You're that boy the other night!"

Both of them looked to the direction of the voice. An old lady stared at Junho carefully and continued,"You were that boy who sat here for the whole night in the freezing cold."

Junho widened his eyes and quickly looked at Eunsang who was already looking at him.

"Am I right? I didn't know who you were waiting for, but I felt bad seeing you like that so I put a blanket on you when you were asleep."

Junho looked warily at Eunsang before awkwardly bowing at the old lady infront. What she said explained how Junho was with a blanket the next morning when he woke up infront of Eunsang's apartment.


Junho closed the door and looked at Eunsang's back. The other was turning the other way so he didn't know what to expect from him.

"Was she talking about Christmas night?" Eunsang asked standing still on his place.

"Yeah," Junho answered scratching the back of his head nervously.

"You waited till the morning?"

"I fell asleep so...I wasn't aware of the time."

"You said you went back after you knew we won't be back." Eunsang said turning to him, a sad look owning his face.

"I woke up and saw that you still weren't back that's when I went back...I wasn't lying or anything."

Looking at Eunsang's face, he continued, "I was going to go back around 11 but I fell asleep. When I woke up, it was already 4."


"Eunsang, don't worry about it. I'm going to your room first." Junho said quickly and went inside Eunsang's room.

Eunsang sighed and decided to make some drinks.

Junho was laying down on his bed, tapping on the phone when Eunsang came in. The younger boy put the glasses on the table and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"I can't believe you really slept infront of the door the whole ni-"

"If you're going to talk about that then, I'll go back." Junho said faking to stand up but Eunsang just watched him without saying anything but a frown on his face.

"You want me to go?" Junho asked again and Eunsang rolled his eyes and mumbled, "You don't even know how bad I feel right now.."

Junho heard it and sighed. He sat up straight and took Eunsang's hand in his. Eunsang looked at their joined hands and wondered why Junho keep doing this.

"Eunsang, there is no need to feel bad for it. I didn't mean to wait the whole night. I just fell asleep. It's not your fault. Just feel happy that I came, and forget it, huh?"

Every Bits Of You 【JunhoXEunsang】Where stories live. Discover now