8. With Yohan

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"I think we did great! I was so afraid I would make mistakes." Jinhee exclaimed satisfied with how the exhibition ended well without them making any mistakes while presenting their project.

Eunsang smiled at the girl softly, "You did great, Jinhee."

"It's thanks to you, Eunsang. You really helped me a lot. I'll always be thankful for that."

Eunsang lifted his hand up to ruffle the girl's hair but Junho quickly butt in their conversation, "I'm pretty sure I have heard this same conversation a day ago."

"What?" Eunsang asked confused with the statement.

Junho rolled his eyes and held the younger's wrist and dragged him away.

"Hey- what are you doing? I didn't even say goodbye to her!"

Junho kept on pulling him, ignoring what he said which made Eunsang annoyed and halt on his feet. Junho looked back with an eyebrow raised slightly.

"I can walk by myself." Eunsang said and walked forward stomping his feet at each steps. Junho chuckled and followed him.

"Is that girl okay? Why you guys been talking like something's going on at her home?" Junho asked a little bit curious. He had heard their conversation and he could pick up a little that something happened.

"Her aunt passed away." Eunsang answered after a moment. Junho bit his lips hearing that, it was her aunt who got in an accident.

"She's been all down the past week. I hope her family's doing okay."

"There you are, son. Here, introduce yourself. This is Mr.Kim's eldest son, he just came back from New York," came the voice as Junho was having a drink, bored of the whole meet up party he was attending.

He looked up only to see Yohan standing there with a surprised face, like himself. Junho cocked his head to the side, confused a little as Yohan quickly actioned for him to keep quiet.

"Hello, I'm Kim Yohan. Nice to meet you," Yohan shot out his hand for a quick shake. Junho caught up that he didn't want them to know that they already met before, although he was confused as to why.

"Junho." He said simple and took the shake.

"Get to know each other. I'll go and talk to your dad." Junho's father said and walked away.

Yohan quickly held his wrists startling him and pulled him out of the party, at the balcony.

"New York?" Junho commented raising up a brow at Yohan.

"Don't tell anyone that I live here, please." Yohan said pleading at him.

"I have other better things to do." Junho said unamused thinking why would he even do that.

"Thanks. I didn't want your dad to know that we already met at a diner where 'I' am currently working at. You might have said that unintentionally."

Junho nodded quickly catching up with his situation.
"Have we ever met before though?" Junho asked as he felt the familiarity coming back.

Yohan dropped his mouth at the question, "Are you seriously asking that? You already forgot how I'm Eunsang's work buddy?"

"Not that, I mean before that. Have we met? " Junho asked again with an indifferent look.

"Oh...I thought you forgot my face for a moment there. No one can forget this handsome face after seeing once," Yohan said in relief, joking as Junho 'psst' at him. He continued, "I don't think we have met before that though, no."

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