18. With Junho

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First of all, I'm really sorry that I haven't been posting anything for about a month already. It's just, I've been going through some stuffs and I couldn't really focus on writing. And ideas failed to come in through my head so I had to take some time off.

Sorry for not announcing anything, and leaving it just be. And now that I'm back, I'll try to get back on track. Thank You.


Warning: This chap has a light mention of suicide and anxiety. Read it at your own risk.

DID...I wonder how serious that is...

Will he get uncomfortable if I ask about it?  I don't want him to think that I'll treat him any different...but it's not right to remain ignorant about it.

"Hey, Eunsang. Eunsang!"

Eunsang broke from his little stupor of thoughts and looked back at Jinhee, "Oh, sorry."

"Are you free today? Should we hang out?" The girl asked hopefully.

"Today? Uh..." His mind quickly thought back to Junho. He would be free for a few hours after school but he didn't know what to answer to Jinhee.

"No, he's not."

Eunsang turned back to see Junho who answered for him, wondering where he suddenly came from. Junho quickly took the seat next to him and pulled Eunsang's hand to take a bite from his sandwich he was holding.

"Hey-" Eunsang frowned and was going to complain but Junho cut him off.

"I have things to do with him." He said chewing the bread. Both the girl and Eunsang looked at Junho.

"Ah...okay then, maybe next time..." the girl said sadly.

Eunsang feeling bad for Jinhee, quickly asked Junho, "What do we have to do? Jinhee can join us."
Jinhee looked at Junho, hopeful for a positive answer but the boy simply said,


Jinhee sulked and Eunsang gave a glare at Junho but the boy didn't budge.

"We can hang out this weekend, Jinhee." Eunsang said and turned to the girl making Junho's turn to frown.

"What?" Eunsang asked plainly when he saw Junho's eyes on him.

"What?" Eunsang asked as Junho kept giving him that eye since the recess.

"Nothing..." Junho answered and went ahead faster towards the bus stop.

"Stop saying nothing when there's something." Eunsang followed and stood beside him keeping his frown.

"It's nothing. For real."

"Then why do you keep looking at me like that?"

"Why? I can't stare at you?" He asked before going inside the bus that came. Eunsang blew a breath annoyed and followed him inside. He took the seat at the back beside Junho as usual.

"You aren't staring, you're glaring."

"I can't glare at you?"

Eunsang frowned, "There has to be a reason. Are you mad at me? Why?"

"I'm not mad-"

"I'm not taking no as an answer. Like you said; honest." Eunsang cut him off. Junho sighed looking back at Eunsang who stared at him, determined to get it out of him.

"It's just...you just ruined one of my plans."

"Wh-What?" Eunsang asked confused and speechless, "When did I?"

Every Bits Of You 【JunhoXEunsang】Where stories live. Discover now