12. Fixing US {Pt.1}

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"Will your ankle be okay?"

"I guess?"

Junho tried to walk but flinched when it pressed down on his foot.

"You didn't twist it right? You really don't need to go to the doctor?" Eunsang asked worriedly.

"It's just a scrape off the skin. It will heal soon." Junho answered as he buttoned up his shirt.

Eunsang quickly turned his back infront of him. Junho looked at him confused.

"Get on, I'll carry you."

"My weight is heavy though. It's okay, I can walk slow."

"Just shut up and get on already."

Junho chuckled put his arm around the younger's neck, "If you say so."

Eunsang rolled his eyes and wrapped his hands around the other's legs.

"Oh, you can lift me up?"

"I'm not weak, Junho. And you aren't that heavy." Eunsang said trying not to care about the faint heat coming up his face because of the warmth he felt on his back.

They decided to go back home since Junho won't be able to attend class anyway.

"You know, I feel like our role somehow changed mid-way in our friendship." Junho spoke from the back.

"What do you mean?"

"You were so bright and smiley all the time. But you speak so coldly these days. I feel like I rubbed off on you. People probably think I'm a bad influence."

"I don't speak coldly to people."

"So, it's just to me?"

Eunsang stopped walking when Junho said that. He knew Junho was hurt by how he had been acting recently. He knew it.

"Why did you stop? Forget I said that. Let's reach home first and talk later." Junho added when he realised Eunsang was thinking about it. Eunsang nodded and they reached the bus stop. They get on the bus and sat at their usual seat they haven't sat together in long.

"I miss this." Junho commented. Eunsang knew exactly what Junho was talking about. This, them going back together, them hanging out...he missed it too.

"Me too."


The boys left the school early so they had a lot of time in their hands. Eunsang was nervous since it was the first time he was coming over at Junho's.

"It's only me. Feel yourself at home." Junho said as he sat down on his bed and looked at his wounds.

"So you live here alone?" The apartment looked empty and unlively despite being designed expensively.

"Yeah, I moved out from my house a few weeks back."

Eunsang didn't like the fact that Junho knew almost everything about him yet he knew so little of Junho.

"Do you want something to drink, I'll go and-"

"No, sit back. Tell me where it is, I'll go and get it." Eunsang said stopping Junho from standing back up again because of his ankle.

"The kitchen is on right if you go out. Check if there's anything to drink from the fridge."

"How was your holidays?" Junho asked the boy when he came back with two coke.

"Not so fun."

"You never told me you like Jinhee." Junho said as he moved aside to make space for Eunsang to sit.

Every Bits Of You 【JunhoXEunsang】Where stories live. Discover now