13. Fixing Us{Pt2}

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"You still haven't answered me." Junho said eyes still closed.

Eunsang thought back to what he asked.

"Christmas...Where did you go on Christmas?" Junho asked again.

"Oh... that. At the orphanage." Eunsang answered, surprised that Junho asked about this and confused how he knew he went somewhere.

Oh wait...he came?

"I went to your house but it was locked." Junho said. He wasn't going to mention it, knowing Eunsang would feel guilty that he wasn't there when he came but he decided to be honest.

Something close to guilt came up inside Eunsang just as how Junho knew, along with something warm and fuzzy.

"Why didn't you inform me you'll come over?" he said staring at the other who was laying beside.

"I wanted it to be a surprise. And you seemed mad the days before, since the party, so I was anxious and didn't exactly had the courage to call you up and inform you."

Eunsang suddenly felt like he was the bad person in this 'talk' they've been having.

"Hey wait," Eunsang said catching Junho's full attention, remembering the deleted messages on the night of Christmas.

"You texted me that day but deleted all three of them."


"What did you send me and why did you delete it?"


Junho held up a huge courage to go to Eunsang's house right after their family dinner. He even informed his parents that he really needed to go somewhere and that it was important. He knew he will get shits from his mother but he risked it and rushed to Eunsang's house only to find out that his apartment was locked.

He saw an old lady walking and when he asked about them, she said they left in the morning. Junho was anxious, thinking about where the siblings could be. It had been 3 days since he hadn't seen Eunsang and it made him worried.

He wanted to call him up but was still anxious about how he was going to talk to him so he decided to text him on chat.
He quickly pulled out his phone and typed on it.

"Hey...where are you?"

Before pressing send he fumbled on the keyboard if he should type something else instead of that. But he decided to stick with it and sent it.

Eunsang wasn't online, he wondered if he was busy.

"I'm at your house."

He typed and send it again. Junho felt suffocated and frustrated as the minutes ticked by and the boys still didn't reply to him.
He send another one again,

"Are you ignoring me?"

Junho waited and still there was no reply. Eunsang wasn't active either. The cold breeze was hitting it up on him. Junho shivered and hugged himself, sitting close to Eunsang's apartment door.

He let out a frustrated growl when he still didn't see Eunsang active, "Where the hell are you?"

Sighing, he bit his lips and decided to delete his text messages. His anxiety was eating him up again and he hated it. He didn't want Eunsang to know he was here if the younger wasn't coming back anytime soon.

Eunsang was probably busy somewhere else, why was he even sitting here infront of his door waiting for him in the cold.

He decided to go back home when it was 11. There was no sign of Eunsang or his sister coming back. A few people walking on the floor kept staring at him and it was uncomfortable.

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