Chapter 5: Dinner

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School had finished for the day, and I was walking home. I am dreading this. The last time there was a similar dinner of this caliber, Vivian made my life hell as she appears to do all the damn time. I think it's best if I explain what happened before.

Near the end of Freshman year, my parents hosted a dinner party. They invited some of their precious friends and other 'respectable members of the community.' They advised me to make appearances and 'act the part' and under no circumstances was I to embarrass them. They are very controlling and never really let me be me. I don't make a fuss because they adopted me, and I don't want to be alone again. That could mean leaving Cambria, which is the last thing I want. So, yes, I always do what they tell me, no matter how alienated I feel every single time it transpires.

During that night in question, I was doing as my parents told me to do and greeted the guests as they came in. It went on for hours, one after another, and I didn't pay attention to where Vivian had disappeared off to, nor for how long she left for either. That was a big mistake on my part because when I arrived at school the next day, I discovered what Vivian was doing the night before. I saw her taping photocopies of pages from my diary on the school's walls and classroom doors while her minions handed them out like flyers to all of the other students. That was the day I had no choice but to 'come out' at school.

The pages that hung for display around the school were when I had written about my feelings. These feelings consisted of how I proud I am to be a Lesbian, and how happy I felt joining LGBTQ groups on Facebook, and how Cambria never judged me, and things of that nature. Those pages contained personal, sensitive information, as well as happy, essential memories of mine. Memories that I was not ready to share with the world, least of all with immature teenagers at my school. I ended up being picked on and bullied for the entire day, laughed at continuously, and called so many harmful, derogatory names by the other students, but mostly by Vivian.


I stood outside the front door, feeling full of trepidation, knowing what could happen tonight. Although on the other hand, I was doing my absolute best, attempting to stay positive. It's just exceedingly difficult to keep your head held high when you've been through what I've been through, and unfortunately, it seems to be something that I keep going through. Well, here goes nothing.

I took my time seizing the keys from my pocket, leisurely leading the house key to the opening of the top lock and unlocking it. Then, I took another breath as I started to open the bottom lock. I returned the keys to where they belonged, and I simply stood there looking at this damn door, not desiring to enter whatsoever. I enclosed my fingers around the cold handle, twisted it until I could push it open. When I entered the house, I could hear my mom in the kitchen, rummaging around preparing for dinner tonight.

"Mia? Is that you?" She asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"Good. I nearly expected you to be late. Anyway, go upstairs, shower, and put on the clothes I have laid out for you on your bed. Do not take too long. I want you ready and downstairs before your father comes home; that way, you can set the table for dinner tonight. Understood?" My mom said to me.

I nodded, acknowledging her, and progressed upstairs to reach my room. I put away my school bag and looked over to my bed and saw this 'cocktail-like evening dress' upon it. Really?! That is so not my style. I don't know why I can't just wear my regular clothes. My usual attire consisted of any type of jeans; skinny, ripped or not, as well as a tank-top with a flannel or button-down shirt over it. I can be more presentable and professional, even with my style.

Nevertheless, my parents don't care and will not give me the chance to show them. Therefore, I have to wear this goddamn dress. I sighed and made my way over to the shower. Before I went into the bathroom, I pulled my phone out of my pocket, took a picture of the dress, and sent it to Cambria.

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