Chapter 22: Changes

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It's been a couple of weeks since Cambria went on that date with Bryce. He continued trying to ask her out again. She has told him, no, but he doesn't seem to get the hint. Everything is as it usually is at school, except for the fact that we now have to study for midterms. Furthermore, the yearbook job is still pressing. I've done a lot of what I need to do, but there are still many things to take care of.

Between homework, yearbook club, my parent's demands, and studying for midterms, I've been sleeping significantly less. I am lucky if I can actually get a minimum of three hours of sleep. It's as if my brain can't shut down when I need to rest, so I stay up and continue working or studying until I fall asleep. I know it's not healthy, but what can I do? Not to mention, it has gotten so much more challenging as the days pass to not look for or always physically be near Cambria. My need and longing for her is growing so damn fast... The last thing I remembered was my thoughts of Cambria before suddenly getting a text message from her, waking me up.

Bri: "You awake?"

Mia: "Yeah, I just woke up."

Bri: "You better hurry! Class starts in fifteen minutes, Mia."

Mia: "Shit!"

Bri: "Don't worry about food. I got you covered. Just get here, and fast! You know damn well that Mr. Chapel will not let you retake the midterm, especially if you're late."

Mia: "Stall if you can. On my way."

Bri: "Stall plan initiated!"

Mia: "You're so stupid."

Bri: "You love it."

Mia: "I do?"

Bri: "How, rude?! LOL."

Mia: "Of course, I love it. Now stop distracting me, woman!"

Bri: "Lol. Be safe. See ya' soon."

Mia: "Will do. <3"

Bri: "<3"

I practically jumped in and out of the shower, taking the fastest one known to man. I could have had a world record with it. My bag was already prepared last night as I grabbed it. I put it over my shoulder and carefully ran downstairs. I locked the bottom lock and shut the front door. I took off with haste, bolting to school.

When I arrived, I didn't know what time it was; I simply had no chance to check anyway. I saw Cambria standing right next to Mr. Chapel, asking him some random math questions. Math questions, Cambria? Silly. Then, the bell rang, and I swiftly found my desk and sat down without being seen. I think?

"Go sit down, Ms. Jones." Mr. Chapel said, sounding annoyed.

"Yes, sir!" Cambria announced, saluting him and walked back to her desk.

"That was close, Mia." She said, and I nodded, trying to catch my breath and calm my speeding heart because I ran from home to class.

"I know, thank you, though," I said to her, and she smiled widely.

"Okay, class, after I've handed out the midterm packets, you have until the end of this class period to finish it and place it on my desk. You will not have more time than that," Mr. Chapel said as he handed out each packet to us.

"Begin." He stated as he sat back down at his desk and looked around the classroom, watching us. I flipped the midterm packet over and wrote my name down first. I could hear the rest of the students doing the same thing, too, by sounds of papers turning over.

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