Chapter 18: Therapy

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I was lying in bed for a while before realizing that my alarm was about to go off. Today is my first day of therapy. I never in a million years thought I would say that. With that in mind, I knew it was about that time to start getting ready for the day ahead of me. I mindlessly proceeded through my morning ritual, which included showering, getting dressed, eating breakfast, and whatnot.

Bri: "We will be there in about ten minutes to pick you up."

Mia: "Okay, thanks."

Bri: "It's going to be okay. <3"

Mia: "How are you so sure?"

Bri: "Because I am all-knowing."

Mia: "Is that right?"

Bri: "Yes. I will even prove it too. I know that you are smiling right now, just as I know that I will always be here to make sure you're okay."

Mia: "Thank you. I really appreciate everything you do for me."

Bri: "There's no need to thank me. You do the same for me."

Mia: "Always have."

Bri: "Always will."

While waiting for them to arrive, I began to think about how I might like or dislike the therapist. It's with one of Clara's close friends; they also went to college together. Her name is Dr. Williams, and she specializes mainly in types of situations I've been through and am dealing with. I originally wanted Clara to be my therapist because she has become someone I can open up to. I asked Clara if that's possible, but she simply explained that it would be a conflict of interest. I understood that, knowing that I am practically family to them. What made me happy was how she appeared to be honored that I did ask her.

Clara told me that no matter what, I could always talk to her. That's what really mattered to me in the end. I am comfortable with her, and I would never want to lose that. I asked Cambria and Clara to join me today. They agreed without hesitation. However, Clara informed me that they couldn't participate and sit in with me during the session because the therapist would need an advance of that and sign off on it for legal purposes. At least they're with me.

While we were on our way, I could tell that my nerves were getting the best of me. As we got closer, the more prominent the nervousness became, and my legs started to bounce. Maybe this type of reaction is typical. I don't know. I really couldn't control it at times, and I don't even realize it either. I stared out of the window, becoming more lost in thought by the second, stressing out. Suddenly, Cambria gently placed her hand on my knee, stilling my lower extremities' relentless movements, sincerely.

I glanced over at her, she smiled reassuringly, and I nodded. Clara watched this interaction between us because I saw her eyes dart between us through the rearview mirror when I looked up. After that, I simply brought my attention back out of the window.

I didn't know the amount of time it actually took for us to arrive, because I was too distracted by my thoughts of how today could possibly progress. Once they located the correct building number and parked the car, we walked through the office doors. Cambria and I decided to sit in the waiting area as Clara went up to speak to the receptionist. I figured she was letting them know I was here. There's some paperwork I need to fill out before the therapist sees me, so I tried to wait patiently for Clara's return.

"Mia, are you doing okay?" Cambria asked me. I could tell she was concerned, and I simply nodded.

"Promise?" She questioned.

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