Chapter 27: Home

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Cambria and I walked hand in hand to the SUV and got inside. She put on the song "Take Me Away" by Fefe Dobson and began to drive home. I'm still in shock at the turn of events today. Never would I have expected anything quite like this. Cambria sang along to her music during the remainder of the drive. I grabbed her hand, holding it in mine. She glanced over at me and grinned at what I did. This is... wow... I can't believe that this is finally happening. It feels like a dream... I've never been the one to get a happy ending, so to speak... this feels foreign.

"You're thinking too loud," Cambria said and chuckled. I shook my head.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Don't be sorry, tell me?" She asked, to which I nodded.

"I was just thinking about how I've never gotten a happy ending, and this feels unreal," I said to her, and she hummed in agreement.

"I know the feeling." She added and parked when we reached the house. I looked over at her, and it seemed like she was lost in thought.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I wonder what my dad will say when he finds out about us being together." She said in a slightly worried tone. I squeezed her hand reassuringly, remembering the conversation I had with Clara many, many nights ago. I am pretty sure Blake already knows, knowing those two.

"Don't you worry. Everything will be fine," I remarked, smiling.

"Why are you smiling and not worried?" She questioned, raising her eyebrow. That made me giggle.

"What do you know? Reveal your secrets." She stated dramatically. That made me laugh because she quoted a phrase from Professor Snape in 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban' movie. I shook my head as I grabbed her shirt, pulling her close, and kissed her. She reciprocated it in an instant.

"You did that just to shut me up, didn't you?" She asked, and I nodded.

"Clearly, it didn't work, though," I joked, and she laughed at that.

"Oh, it sure did," Then she kissed me this time around. If we didn't stop ourselves soon, we could have ended up making out in the car all night, but we did need to get inside.

"Let's go inside and get this over with," Cambria said, and I giggled because she still sounded worried.

"I'm right behind you," I added and simply stared at her ass. I couldn't help it. We are now together, and I'm allowed to. Cambria grabbed my hand and unlocked the front door. She picked up my bag, and we walked inside.

"Mom, Dad? Mia and I are here," Cambria said aloud.

"In the living room, honey." Clara answered, and Cambria turned to me and whispered, "You ready?" I nodded.

"With you, always, baby," I stated, and she grinned at my words.

We walked into the living room, holding hands. I saw Clara look at our joined hands, and she immediately smiled, clearly excited. Blake, however, had a blank expression. I looked at Cambria, and she was worried; fear was written all over her face. At that, I glanced back at Blake, and he suddenly winked at me. Yup, he planned this.

"Cambria Clover Jones, explain yourself this instant." He spoke to her, doing his best to sound angry.

"Dad, I love Mia, and nothing will ever change that. I hope that you will be happy for us and not take her away from me. We need each other. We have always been better together than apart, and I can't live without her. Love is love, and she is my future." Cambria said from the heart. I swear I just fell more in love with her.

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