Chapter 25: Confrontation

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I saw Cambria standing in front of me. She didn't move at first; it was like she wasn't all there. I can't believe it... she's here... Something must have changed because she finally moved, glancing around at everyone as they remained frozen in place, scared.

Her jaw was clenched tightly, her once bright blue eyes, now so very dark. Everyone around us stayed silent, and she looked down at me, our eyes locking. Her expression softened immediately, and she held a look that I've never seen before. I can't place what I am seeing in her eyes. She knelt beside me and carefully took her time picking me up off the floor.

The feeling of being held securely by Cambria was unexplainable, and I saw her look around at everyone again. That's when I saw Brittany a few feet away. She stepped forward through the crowd, standing right in front of us. I glanced at Cambria and her eyebrow raised in question towards her, making me look back at Brittany.

"I'll take care of Mia, I promise," Brittany said sincerely, yet firm.

After hearing her words, I looked at Cambria. I could tell she was having an inner struggle about what to do. Before she could decide anything, Brittany had spoken up again.

"I want to help, Cambria. Mia doesn't deserve this. Let me make things right, please. You can trust me." She begged, and Cambria nodded, carefully guiding me over to Brittany.

"Excuse me, Jones?! What do you think you're-" Vivian began to say as she walked towards us. However, she was instantly cut off with Cambria's most hard-hitting punch to her face. I could tell she used all of her weight and momentum that she could gather up in one swift motion.

The only thing I could hear was the sound of a bone-breaking snap and then a thud. Vivian's body slumped to the floor, unconscious. Her minions looked at Cambria with fear in their eyes and slowly backed away. If this were a movie, I could so imagine the song "Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit playing in the background.

It seemed if enough time passed that teachers were clearing the hallways and ushering students to their registered classes. The students around us hurried off as soon as one of those teachers appeared in the restroom.

We heard Vivian regaining consciousness when Mrs. Knight helped her up. She told us she'd be taking her to the Nurse's office, and she wanted us to take our time before getting there as well. Brittany carefully handed me back over to Cambria. She instantly put her arm around me, gently, holding me very close. I'm finally safe.

Cambria was now looking at me, and I could see guilt radiating through her eyes. It made me sad, knowing she thought that what happened to me was her fault. None of this was her fault. It was Vivian's. After making sure I could safely walk, the three of us made our way to the Nurse's office.

Cambria carefully helped me into a chair, and we waited patiently for the Nurse to check out my wounds. As we waited, Cambria walked to the counter, got a rag, and made it damp. She sat right next to me and started to clean the blood off my face tenderly. I realized that Cambria still hadn't said a word to me yet, which worried me severely. I hope she's okay.

Minutes later, the Nurse began checking my wounds, and she applied bandages to the appropriate places. I glanced over at Cambria. She still hasn't taken her eyes off of me. I felt a blush making its way to my face, and I continued to look at her as well. I took Cambria in with all of her glory. She is breathtaking... I'm just so happy to see her, and I can't believe she is here in my presence. I'm nervous, though... I don't know what's going through that beautiful head of hers. She has never been this silent before...

Brittany was standing outside for a few moments before taking this opportunity to walk up to me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Cambria's eyes leaving me, landing on Brittany as she carefully observed her. I wonder what she's going to say to me.

"Mia, I am so sorry for hurting you the way I did by helping Vivian months ago. I am sorry for what Vivian has made you suffer through all of these years. I told Cambria that I would make things right before today, which is exactly what I plan to do. That's a promise." She finished saying to me.

"Thank you," I replied to her, and she smiled. I don't even know what is going to happen now. What if Cambria gets suspended or expelled for fighting? My mind went into overdrive with worry and uneasiness. My head started to spin and pound, making me close my eyes due to the pain. I could feel my temples throbbing constantly.

"I have to go take care of something. I will see you guys soon." Brittany said reassuringly to both of us. She left right after, and I assumed that she went to do whatever she had planned.

My jaw clenched as another wave of pain shot through my body. I put my hands up to my head, hoping it would help me somehow. As I held my head and closed my eyes, wishing the pain away, I failed to notice that Cambria rushed to my side in one quick motion. She took my hands in hers, removing them from my head, and placed them in my lap. I opened my eyes at her action and looked at her. She's so close to me right now, shit...

"Cambria, it's okay. Don't worry about me. You don't need to do anything. You've already done enough." I said to her, and she still didn't reply.

Instead, Cambria gave me the softest, most loving expression and put her fingers on my temples. She began to massage them gently, and my eyes instinctively closed at her touch. Soon enough, I could feel my body relax. I had no idea how much time had passed while Cambria was soothing my pain away, nor did I care. I don't want this moment between us to end.

I heard footsteps approaching, and I pretended not to notice. Apparently, Cambria did the same, and I couldn't help the smile that formed across my face while she continued her ministration, ignoring the person.

"Ahem." A woman cleared her throat to get our attention. Cambria and I looked at each other briefly before turning to look at whoever interrupted us.

"You two are wanted at the Principal's office as soon as possible," She said and waited for us to move. Cambria to help me up and lifted me securely. She wrapped her arm around my body again as we followed behind the lady to find out our fate.

I don't know what's going to happen...

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